Rita Skeeter's Quibbler Column

66 3 1

June 9th, 1996,



Elena slammed back the shot of Firewhisky as if it was water and placed the small shot glass on the wooden table of the Three Broomsticks.

Quite a lovely day, such a shame I must spend it with an absolutely leeching wench.

"Wildfire," Malfoy cooed beside her. "As comical as you can be when you're drunk, I don't expect Rita Skeeter to find it as charming as I do."

Elena snorted and snatched the Firewhisky shot in front of Draco and downed it too, stacking the glasses on top of each other. Her palms were moist and she ran them over her black leggings, ignoring the way her muscles ached.

About two weeks ago, the night Elena had her last conversation with Fred where he managed to lose his temper and scratch up her face, Luna had also come to Elena with an offer from her father. Luna's father was the editor of the Quibbler, a wacky paper that was overlooked by many people, including those in the Ministry.

After months of having accusations and rumors about Elena and Harry being thrown around, the siblings agreed to have the Quibbler release a special interview of their accounts of what had happened the past summer. Both of them were tired of the lies and they had decided (well, Harry had decided, Elena had been an afterthought) enough was enough.

Harry snuck out of Hogwarts using the passageways on the Marauder's Map and had been waiting for Elena in the Three Broomsticks with Luna but the moment she walked in, accompanied by Draco Malfoy, Harry had rolled his eyes and told himself he wouldn't say a word about what happened the night that Cedric died.

Rita Skeeter had not yet shown up, even though they were set to meet at 1 o'clock. It was half past that and Elena had grown so nervous that she had been ordering Firewhisky and shooting them back like bullets.

Telling Malfoy about her true feelings for Cedric had been more than enough for today and continuously hinting that she l-loved him was enough. How was she going to publicly admit what happened that night?

"Well it's better to have you find out my charming habits and vices now, isn't it?" Elena muttered, tipping back another. The familiar burning sensation went down her throat and it reminded her vaguely of Grimmauld Place.

Malfoy passed Elena the last shot glass but she shoved it away, her mind focused on Sirius and Remus.

She said she would write them and check in but she hadn't been able to. Like physically being able to, not just mentally. She couldn't write anymore. Harry or Hermione had been taking all of her notes lately.

Elena clenched her fingers into a ball, only straining the damaged nerves further. It felt as though every nerve and cell in her body was on fire.

"Will you tell Skeeter about-" Harry lowered his voice, hunching over his side of the corner table. Luna was at the counter, patiently spinning on a stool while she waited for Rita. "-what the Death Eaters did to you?"

Elena grit her teeth and her hands began to shake underneath the table. Silently, Malfoy grabbed her hand and laced their fingers together. The pressure over her head began to deflate. "The last person I want to have that information is Rita Skeeter. She would use it for her own advantage."

Malfoy nodded, his only method of communication when Harry was present. He was still reluctant with everyone else, even if he and Elena no longer had any barriers between them.

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