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Today had been too much on Elena. She should've skipped Professor Umbridge's class all together and tried to get through the rest. She should've left the moment she had run into the hallway to collect herself. She should've left Malfoy standing like an idiot. She should've, she should've, she should've.

It was all empty thoughts on her part. You can't change what has been done.

The fire burning in the fireplace in the Gryffindor common room was barely enough to burn all the pieces of mangled firewood inside. She had lit the fire with her own power but she couldn't bear to look at it any longer. It was just a reminder of how far she had come only to fall apart again.

Even today, Draco had built her up and helped her take a step in the right direction, away from the shadows that tried to keep her safe and in comfort but she ultimately couldn't handle it and shattered all over again.

It was absolutely heart-wrenching for her, to sit in front of her own magic she had been so proud of and not be able to find the bits of joy she used to. She used to be able to hear each ember crack underneath the heat or each snowflake fall onto the frozen grass but now, there was nothing in it's place. Only a dull silence.

Her arms were on her unmoving lap, the same sitting position she had been in since she had managed to shake off Draco Malfoy and hide in Gryffindor. Every so often, she heard the portrait swing open and footsteps rush in, followed by the chirpy chatter of children. And every so often, someone came to try and talk to her.

The first had been the only one who still had hope that Elena would break out of this. Ginny, sweet and fiercely loving Ginny, sat next to Elena and tried to reach for her hand but left when Elena flinched and shook her warm touch off.

Elena only knew guilt then, when Ginny's face turned down and she left with Harry to one of the long tables to talk. Elena knew Ginny was telling Harry whatever he wanted to know because it was just the thing they did. Those two shared everything.

Next, had been Ron. He asked if she was alright. No response. He asked why Malfoy was so close to her. Nothing back. Rapid fire, he threw question after question towards her to try and break her down but her lips remained utterly sealed.

Hermione followed, who simply asked Elena if she thought Ron would be a good partner. Elena knew the answer but didn't take her eyes off the floor.

The last and final person who had enough balls to come up to Elena, was Fred. He asked her all kinds of questions, not bothering to breathe in between. Not a single apology for what happened at his birthday party. Not a single apology for any of it. So, Elena sat there, unmoving and quiet. He gave up the quickest.

How had Elena gone from being Gryffindor's Whore to being the Ghost of bloody Gryffindor? The thought nearly brought a small scoff from her but she couldn't muster it.

Ginny sat at a long table with Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Fred Weasley and an unsurprisingly studying Hermione Granger. Everyone except Hermione looked towards the back of Elena's head, peering over the couch she sat on.

Ginny swore she could see a small patch of missing hair near Elena's neck but she shook it off, groaning softly. Her friend looked ghastly.

Ginny had watched Elena pick at her breakfast or dinner if she even bothered to show up, wake up crying throughout every night since she had gotten suspended and stare at her finger where there was a singular, pale strip of skin.

Elena must've thought Ginny was asleep when she woke up to go retch in the toilet silently but Ginny could never sleep unless she knew Elena was alright. It had always been that way, they had always been best friends and always would be. But Ginny knew when her best friend wasn't alright and this was one of those times.

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