Sneak (3)

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May 14th, 1996.


Elena Clairmont wandered through the halls of Hogwarts, wiping away any tears that fell from her eyes.

For an hour, she was walking all through the castle, unable to let go of the anger in her chest. Through the dungeons, past the kitchens, dancing in the empty Great Hall, she didn't know where to go. Nor how to deal with the fury that gripped her.

How dare he behave that way with her? As if- as if she was wrong. It was simply preposterous.

The anger flooded through her, burning every thought in her head. But every single time she replayed the fight, his final words stung her in the heart.

"Don't ever speak to me again- I want nothing to do with you."

Her lip quivered again.

They were done. Finished forever.

How had everything crumbled away so quickly? But surely, surely, he hadn't meant it. Surely.

He had been so angry, the same way she was- maybe the words were said in anger and everything would be fine. They had to be alright.

She felt like an idiot, trying to find a positive side to it. Elena had always been that way, the person who looked for a bright side. But this time, there was none.

No light at the end of the tunnel, no hope for his return.

Gods- she had said he was fucked up. Her words that spilled from rage meant nothing- she hadn't meant them but he didn't know it. He was hurt by them and nothing could take away the sting of it.

"Fuck." Elena cursed underneath her breath, finding herself in front of the Slytherin common room entrance.

The stone wall was deliberately covered with a dark green tapestry that would lift when the password was said. She remembered coming down here as Pansy Parkinson under Polyjuice Potion in her second year with Harry and Ron who were pretending to be Crabbe and Goyle.

She could still remember how beautiful the room was, how quiet and solidary. She hated it now.

Hated everything to do with Slytherin, everything to do with gorgeous Pansy Parkinson, hated everything that had to do with Draco Malfoy.

Giving a heavy hearted sigh, Elena rubbed her finger over the Malfoy family ring on her finger and left the bottom floor of Hogwarts.

"What is a Gryffindor student who is supposed to be in class doing down here, in the Slytherin area?" Elena turned and saw Mr Filch, the caretaker staring at her intently.

Sure enough, his raggedy thing he called a cat, Mrs Norris, was at his feet. She stared at Elena, hissing harshly.

Elena was tempted to snap her teeth towards the feral creature.

I'm so glad I don't let Fish associate with the riff-raff of Hogwarts.

"Clearly," Elena deadpanned. "I'm picking flowers and singing around a campfire."

Filch scowled even deeper than usual at the girl. "Reckon you're working with damn Peeves to steal something, aren't yeh?"

"Most definitely. We're planning a complex heist in order to kidnap Mrs Norris and hold her for ransom."

Filch gasped and Mrs Norris hurled herself at Elena but Elena only walked away, trying to laugh.

Elena was exhausted after today. Today was supposed to be a good fucking day and it all went to shit quicker than she could've imagined.

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