Sirius Black

70 3 3

June 18th, 1996

Department of Mysteries,

Ministry of Magic,



She had been running on a never ending path, racing through columns and shelves and broken glass with blue-green mist raining above her. There were screams coursing through her eardrums, pounding against the veins in her body.

Remember who the real enemy is.

That phrase, a string of letters and words turned into something so powerful and raw was racing through her head at a mile a minute.


Elena spun around, her wand in her hand ready to aim until she blinked and saw Draco sprinting to her. He caught her in his arms, pressing her head against his neck. He breathed in the scent of her hair and he felt as if he was home.

He was home.

"Where have you been, Elena?" Draco exclaimed. His heart was beating too quickly as he scanned her face and her body to rule out any injuries. He noticed she grew about an inch and became leaner, her canines had become strangely sharper than they already had been and her ears... the tips of her ears were slightly pointed behind her braided hair. "Where the hell were you, Elena? I was looking for you!"

Her vision was blurring slightly. "Well, you found me, Draco. I should give you a gold star."

"We are surrounded by Death Eaters and our friends are being cursed and you have time to make shitty jokes? Where were you?" He demanded.

She turned away from him towards the door she had left open, letting the blue light pour into the main room. "Wormtail is here. That's where I was. He did something to leave me unconscious and then he brought me into the TimeTurner room."

Draco's face was already pale but unbelievably enough, it lost all remaining color. Even the cut going through his eyebrow, the same eyebrow where Elena had accidentally left a slit when she had hit him months ago, was dull and pale instead of bright red with blood.

She began rambling under her breath, her eyes darting all over the scene in front of them. He could barely piece together what she was saying but he caught pieces, just small words.

"I knew it. All this time, I knew the real person he was and I ignored it- I ignored it for Harry but he's tricked everybody. He killed them and I can prove it. I can finally prove it- We have to get out of here. We have to get out."

Draco stared at Elena, reached out a hand and placed it on her trembling fingers. "Elena, breathe."

She shook her head and straightened her shoulders, looking ahead to where a blasting sound came from. "Draco, we have to get out of here. Find the others, get the prophecy and hide it. We have to get out now, you ken?"

His eyebrows raised in surprise as her accent disappeared and transformed into a Scottish accent. Not forced, not hesitant, but truly natural and fluent, as if she had forced her normal voice rather than this accent. "Slow down, Elena-"

Her eyes were bewildered yet her entire body was calm. "No, I can't. Don't you get it? We're in danger."

He narrowed his eyes at her, debating how much of her sanity was still intact. "Of course we're in danger, we are quite literally surrounded by Death Eaters."

"No! You don't get it! We are in danger if we stay and we are in danger if we put our trust in Dumbledore! He killed Harry's parents! He killed mine!"

"What are you talking about?"

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