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TW: Mentions of sexual assault and child abuse

May 9th, 1996.


The night had grown exceptionally cold tonight. She hadn't expected how the cold breeze would strike against her body when she had crawled out of her uncomfortable bed with the sweaty sheets tossed against the wall.

The nightmares had been painfully awful this particular night. Laced with images of the lonely nights of the underground cellar and a certain tall boy with near white hair getting whipped while she was forced to watch, Elena had needed to go to the meadow for some simple reminder of a better time- a better world for her.

Her screams had filled the shield of unbreakable wind around her four poster bed until the only thing the bounced off the wind was the mimicking of her ragged sobs.

Perhaps one day, she would be able to sleep without a shield of wind protecting her in her sleep. Perhaps...

As the wind came swirling around the pine trees, smelling faintly of lingering rain, Elena let the thin robe pressed against her drop, allowing her back to feel the touch of spring.

She only wore a pair of old yoga pants and a black bralette, lacing trimming the undersides and cups. The silk night robe had been a small birthday gift from her mother last year, the only present either of her parents gave her.

Her reopening wounds tingled as the springtime air kissed each lash sweetly. A chill ran down her spine- the good kind.

How different it felt compared to the cold sweat that ran down her body in the worst of her nightmares.

She contemplated slipping her robe on and leaving but she was already here, alone. She was alright, sitting in her small meadow with her scars facing the lake.

She wanted to cry, to consciously scream out into the void that was the universe but nothing came out. No tears tracked her face, no sound left her lips- only small, harsh breaths.

She was angry, rageful but at the same time, she was nothing.

Deep down, she felt a small ember of fire waiting to erupt but other than that, there was hollowness inside of her bones that nothing could fill.

Elena wanted the Gods of this universe to hear her, to feel for her, to heal her. And yet, there was no response every time Elena mentally called out to them.

And for that, she was filled to the brim with sorrow twinged rage.

Her heart burned furiously, pumping with every echo of the wind. She wondered how long it would take for her heart to stop pounding with raw anger.

How long it would take for the hollowness inside of her to fill up with everything she once was.

Possibly an eternity that she did not have.

As she always did when she thought she felt a spark conjure between her palms, Elena went through everything that had happened within the past few days. The silent, uneventful, lifeless days she was subjected to.

There was the letter she had received from her father. A hateful, demeaning, savage letter to explicitly warn her if she dared misbehave again. He even threatened to try and fix her the way he used to.

The moment she had finished the letter with trembling hands and vomit rising in her scratchy throat, she went to her bed and did not leave for the rest of the day.

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