Karaoke & Camcorders

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May 30th, 1996.
Grimmauld Place, London.

Elena Clairmont sat on the sofa in the sitting room, watching as Harry played with Fish on the rug, Sirius dipped a needle in a pot of quill ink and poked himself with it, Remus said goodbye to Kingsley at the door and Tonks was chasing around Mad-Eye with a bowl of Remus's soup.

Life felt better than usual.

In the last twenty-four hours, nearly everything shifted into place and everything was beginning to feel alright again. Elena's life was beginning to appear brighter and brighter.

"Is there any more leftovers? 'M still hungry." Tonks plopped down on the sofa, throwing an arm over Elena's shoulders.

Elena nodded towards a cardboard box on the small, glass, table. She recognized the logo from the local pizza shop a few streets over.

Yes. They had pizza for dinner, brought by Kingsley who decided they would rather eat anything except for Remus's botched attempt at soup. Somehow, Kingsley knew what pizza was, although most wizards didn't.

And somehow, Remus's soup turned a sickly green and congealed in the pot before being served.

Tonks must've given up on trying to feed it to Mad-Eye because she grabbed a cold slice of pizza from the box and took a huge bite.

"Sirius, doesn't that hurt?" Elena asked, pointing to the sewing needle in his fingers.

The tip dripped a few drops of black into an old rug worth more than any of them.

Sirius glanced up, tongue poking the corner of his mouth. "Not at all, I have quite the tattoo collection."

"I want a tattoo!" Elena hopped off the couch and landed next to the fireplace and Sirius.

His eyes lit up brightly and began to stick the needle into the pot of ink again when Remus came back into the room and watched in horror.

"You are not sticking Elena with that needle!" Remus interjected, already shaking his head.

Sirius glared at Remus, pointing the dripping needle at him. "She's the one who wants the tattoo, Moony- let the girl have her tattoos."

Elena nodded excitedly, already torn between the two different tattoos she wanted.

Remus shifted in his seat. He had no room to speak, especially about tattoos seeing as he had a few in places that only Sirius could see... In the late 70's, Sirius and Remus had moved in together once all the couples were happily married, and while alone, they gave each other numerous tattoos.

By the way Elena nearly bounced out of her seat from excitement and resembled Thomas more than ever, Remus caved in and slumped back in his seat, tossing his hands up in surrender.

Elena squealed and smiled happily, teeth shining.

"Teach me how," Elena requested, pointing to the ink and needle.

Sirius raised his eyebrows and narrowed his eyes. "You don't want me to do it?"

"I do," Elena sighed, running her fingers through the carpet. "I want to learn how to do it so I can give myself more another day when Uncle Moony isn't around."

Sirius smiled and glanced up to a scowling Remus who was speaking to Tonks.

"But could you do the first one? And then I'll practice on Harry for the next one-"

Harry jumped up and Fish screeched in protest. "Me? Lena, there is no way you are stabbing me repeatedly with a needle! You're mad enough to shove it in my eye!"

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