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June 10th, 1996.


"Hold on, wait," Daphne Greengrass snorted. "I'm too sober for this right now."

Daphne snatched the bottle of Firewhisky from Elena's grasp. Elena nodded, hand over her heart. "I swear on my boobs, Daph."

Daphne looked down at Elena's chest, inspecting the generous size of her chest. "There is no way that you had a sex dream about Draco!"

Elena squealed. The wind around them was calm as they sat in the Herbology greenhouse. "Daphne, I swear on everything. The dream was phenomenal and the sex was mindblowing."

Daphne took a swig of Firewhisky, near spitting it back out over the Mandrakes. Elena took the bottle back, taking a small sip.

In the past three hours, Elena and Daphne had told each other everything about themselves, going into insane detail. Elena had never trusted anyone like this, not even Harry when they had first met. It had taken months for Elena to trust Harry and even then, she didn't tell him multiple things that were close to her heart at the time.

Daphne had never been close with anyone at all, not like this. She had no issue with revealing her personal life to Elena, especially with everything that Draco had already told her about Elena. He mentioned everything about Elena's personality to Daphne.

"Are you about finished with your rambling?" Daphne asked, her feet curled up on the chair in the common room with a steaming cup of hot chocolate in her hands.

The common room had been empty for hours, cold and lifeless. She had come down after Draco had come breaking her door down and mumbling about Elena. She had thrown on whatever sweater and pair of shorts she could find and arrived to Draco sitting across from the empty chair and two mugs, one of hot chocolate and the other with coffee.

She asked about Elena and immediately watched as Draco exploded into a ranting mess. So for an hour- yes, an entire hour- Daphne listened to Draco rant about how insanely perfect Elena was for him. How frustrating she was. How aggravating she was because Draco pushed her and she pushed back.

"No!" Draco exclaimed. His mug had been slammed down on the table long ago. "She's so- she's just so... UGH!"

He groaned and growled, falling back into his chair. His hands covered his eyes and he dragged them down, pulling at his flawless skin. His fingertips brushed over the tiny scar at the top of his right eyebrow, where Elena had hit.

"Draco, you're completely fucked." Daphne chuckled, sipping from her rich drink. She was happy for both of them, truly and sincerely.

That had been their routine for days now. He would rant and growl about Elena. Daphne would listen and laugh in the right places. And accidentally, Draco had called Daphne his friend and when Daphne broke into a grin over her first true friend, he pointed at her to shut up before he strangled her.

From the moment Daphne Greengrass had come to Hogwarts, she had made one friend on the train. Her bright green eyes and long brown hair and warm smile had made Daphne immediately trust Elena Clairmont. And Elena had welcomed her into an empty compartment, spent every moment with her for that first week until Elena explained that her friends didn't want her to be friends with a Slytherin.

The girls never spoke again. For four years, they didn't speak or look in each other's direction again. Partially because Elena felt guilty and angry towards Harry, Ron, Hermione and the twins for four years of tearing her apart from her former best friend. Partially because Daphne felt devastated each time she saw Elena and realized that a beautiful friendship had never had the chance to bloom.

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