Black Sweater

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A/N: the picture on the side is kind of how I pictured Aislin to look. K thanks. Haha enjoy the chapter, it kind of sucks. :)

We walked down the rainbow bridge hand in hand. We were both dressed in normal Midg- I mean Earth clothing. I wore a black skirt and a maroon sweater and Loki was wearing a nice suit and tie.

Why he picked that, I don't know. But I really did love a sharply dressed man. His hair was gelled back, he looked dashing. I on the other hand was wearing a pair of converse.

"Midgard?" Heimdall asked before we even said anything. Loki nodded and suddenly a tube of different colors engulfed us. I screamed and clung to Loki's arm. Remembering the last time we had traveled this way, it was because Loki had dragged me along with him. I squeezed my eyes shut since the bright and blinking lights hurt my head. It felt as if I was being squeezed through a rubber tube that was far too small.

"You can open your eyes now." Loki whispered. I cracked one eye open and still had a death grip on Loki's arm. We were standing in the center of Central Park.

- Third person P.O.V -

Agent Hill beckoned Nick Fury while she typed furiously into the computer.

"What is it agent Hill? Can't you see I'm busy?" He grunted as she continued typing.

"Two people just appeared in Central Park, via Bifrost." Agent Hill murmured.

"Let me guess, Asgard? " Fury groaned. Agent Hill shook her head slightly.

"One is of Asgard. The other of Earth." She continued typing furiously into the computer.

"Tony, Get Cap and Hawkeye I need you to check something out at Central park." Nick said into his earpiece. Tony groaned and ran his hands down his face.

"What? Need me to pick up your dry-cleaning again?" He hissed, he hated it when people interrupted his work.

"Well two people just showed up via Bifrost." Nick replied repeating Hill's words. Tony groaned but agreed and got the team in a jet. He didn't bother putting on his suit, how tough could it be to take two people into custody?

- Aislin's P.O.V-

The sky darkened as a hovercraft blocked out the sun. I groaned internally as it began its descent towards us. Loki squeezed my hand tighter and that's when I noticed the words S.H.I.E.L.D in big letters on the wing of the jet. Three people piled out, I squeaked and let go of Loki's hand. I couldn't believe my eyes. Was he really here? Standing right before me?

"A..Aislin?" Tony asked in disbelief as I felt tears come to my eyes. I bit my lip and ran to his arms. "Oh my god!" He cried and spun me around. "Where the hell were you!?" He scolded and set me back down, I just grinned stupidly.

"I missed you Uncle Tony." I smiled and he pulled me into a hug again.

"I missed you too." He whispered. That's when he noticed Loki and his overprotective father instinct kicked in. "Aislin get behind me." He hissed. He stepped in front of me while Hawkeye raised his bow towards Loki. Loki slowly raised his hands above his head in surrender. He winked at me and then stared at the three men that could end his life in a second if he merely twitched.


I walked into S.H.I.E.L.D's headquarters and looked around with a gasp. It was huge, agents bustling everywhere. Tony led me down a hall and opened the door. Inside was a queen sized white bed, and a computer. Not as nice as Asgard but it'll do. Tony sat me down on the bed. He gave me a stern look and I dipped my head.

"You were gone for eight months." He whispered. "Eight months I searched this city over, and over looking for you. And you were with him the whole time." He spat with disgust. I rubbed my arm awkwardly and couldn't meet his gaze.

"It's a long story." I whispered as a blush crept across my face. Tony just sighed angrily and left the room. I wiped my eyes and left my room in search of Loki. I found my way to a large room with a glass cage in the center. What? He sat on the floor with his hands in shackles and a muzzle on his mouth. I gasped and quickly entered. He looked at me with sad eyes. I unlocked the muzzle and then unlocked his handcuffs. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his embrace.

"Well this is nice" his tone dripping with sarcasm. I grinned and pressed my lips to his gently.

- Tony's P.O.V-

I hissed and stormed out of the monitor room. I couldn't just sit here and watch my niece make out with the man that tried to destroy New York. She was like a daughter to me. She was more than my niece, I mean to took her in when no one was left for Christ's sake.

I stormed into the room which held Loki's cell and nearly kicked down the door. Aislin jumped away from him and a her cheeks reddened. Loki smirked. I grabbed him by his neck and threw him against the wall.

"Don't you ever lay a hand on her again. Do you understand?" I growled. He just smirked and I dropped him to the ground and then kicked him in the abdomen. Aislin gasped and ran to his side but I grabbed her wrist before she could touch him.

"We're taking you to the infirmary, I think this bastard brainwashed you" I muttered with sarcasm and dragged her down the hall. When we arrived the nurses and doctors immediately started checking her eyes and throat with their little flashlights. They shooed me away and took her into the back room. I sat nervously and waited in one of the uncomfortable waiting room chairs. I know that there's nothing wrong with her but what if she developed some sort of weird Asgardian disease?! I twiddled my thumbs and eventually they called me back. She was sitting on the bed, playing with her tiny hands. Her gaze didn't raise when I entered and she looked nervous.

"She's fine Tony." The nurse explained. "Just a little banged up."

"Banged up?" I hissed, raising an eyebrow. They nodded.

"Aislin could you stand up for us please?" The nurse ordered kindly. My niece threw the thin blankets back and stood from the hospital bed. Her body was so thin the hospital gown was hanging off her sharp angular shoulders.

Slowly, she reached down and lifted the gown up. I gasped at the sight. Her skin was mangled with ugly scars and healing wounds. Deep cuts and blisters so thick I could barely make a out her skin.

"I'm gonna kill him." I spat.

A/N: sorry guys! Short chapter, and it's not very good. But thank you for all the support! Please vote and comment it makes me so happy when you guys do :) anyways almost to 1k reads, yay! If there are anymore Loki fans you know about please tell them to read my story, thanks again :)

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