Goodbye, Evelyn.

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-Loki's P.O.V -

I rested my head in my hands and watched Aislin sleep. I had to restrain her once more so she would stop thrashing. So had thrown herself to the floor more than a few times. She has been unconscious for twelve days. She started screaming three days ago. Just garbled words and shrieks until this morning. I could finally make out the words she was saying. Begging me to kill her. I felt tears well up in my eyes. Her body trembled and I stood from my chair. I knew it was going to happen again. I barely made it out of the room before I heard them.

"Kill me! Kill me! Please, Loki! If you love me, kill me! I'm begging you! Just do it already!" She screeched. Followed by the horrible, painful screams. I ran until I couldn't feel my feet.

I was on the opposite side of the palace. By the library where I had spent my childhood. I slipped through the doors, the scent of old paper invading my nose. I sniffed the air and slid down one of the bookshelves until I was sitting on the ground. I thought that I could still hear her screams. I felt awful for leaving her, but I could not bare to listen to her cries. My heart throbbed in my chest and I rested my forehead.

"Damn you Naddr!" I screamed so loud that I thought my lungs might burst. I rested my head against the bookshelf, my eyes closed gently. Would she ever be the same again? My breaths were ragged and shallow. I tried to picture Aislin's smiling face but each time I did, it was replaced by horrific images of Naddr torturing her. I heard storming footsteps nearing. And I slunk lower down the shelf. Not wishing to be found. I heard the library doors burst open, followed by heavy breathing.

"Loki!" Thor summoned. "Loki! Come quick!" I rolled my eyes. He probably just wanted to show me another card tower he built using the royal Völva's tarot cards.

"Thor. I do not wish to see. Leave me." I hissed.

"Loki!" He breathed and rounded the corner of my hiding spot. "C...ome.... Quick....she's....a-wake!" He cried, his words interrupted my ragged breathing. I sprang to by feet and stared at him with wide eyes. "Well, what are you waiting for?! Hurry!" I took of sprinting down the halls, my tailcoat flapping behind me. I couldn't seem to move my feet fast enough.

I finally skidded to a halt in front of our bedchambers. There was no screaming coming from inside, that was a good sign. Just soft chatter. I carefully pushed the door open, revealing just about the entire palace staff.

"Loki!" Frigga bellowed and engulfed me in an embrace. "She refused to speak to anyone except for you." She watched me with worried eyes. I could not see Aislin. She was surrounded by too many people.

"Leave us!" I ordered. Everyone gave each other confused glances before staggering out of bedchambers. Leaving behind an eager Thor. "Thor, I said leave us." I hissed. He stepped forward and clapped a hand on my shoulder.

"Good luck." He whispered with fear lingering in his eyes. I watched until he left the room before turning. What I saw almost made me scream. Aislin's eyes were wide with fear and pain. Her face covered in self inflicted scratches. Each of them very deep and very bloody. She was no longer being restrained. Her were cheeks hollow as if she hadn't eaten for months. Her skin a sickly whitish green. Under her eyes were thick, black bags as if she hadn't just slept for twelve days straight.

"Loki! Loki!" She sobbed, her voice sounding frightened, but her features still calm. As if someone else was controlling the rest of her body. "Loki! It's gone!" She was in hysterics, yet her face was still not showing it.

"What?" I gasped in confusion. I felt a strange buzz in my ears while Aislin began to thrash again. My heart dropped to my feet watching her like this. "Aislin? What is going on?!" I cried.

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