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Hey guys. Please keep voting and commenting I love it :) and the more you vote and comment the quicker I update. Anyways Enjoy Xx

- Aislin's P.O.V-

I picked up the panel in my hands. I was still in my nightgown.

{ take me to the village }

Fay looked at me skeptically.

"I don't think that's the best idea Aislin." She advised.

{ now }

I scribbled quickly. She grunted and helped me from the bed. She entered the closet and came back out with a pair of leggings, a gray sweater, and my riding boots. She also handed me a small brown satchel that matched the riding boots. She slid the Hyalus into my satchel and slung it over my shoulder before lacing up my riding boots for me. She pulled my hair back into a simple ponytail and then took my arm.

"Ready?" I nodded. We walked slowly down the hallway together, my head pounding with each step I took. We walked past the throne room and out the large double doors that were heavily guarded. Fay nodded to the guards.

We were standing on a wide cobblestone path. I could see the small village in the distance. I unlatched my satchel and pulled out the Hyalus.

{ I want to go by myself }

Fay scoffed.

"Like I would let you go in the village by yourself."

{ I'm going by myself }

"Aislin, no way it's dangerous and you're weak!" She explained. I gave her a cold stare. There was no way she was coming with me. "Aislin." She growled.

{ Fay }

I scribbled out quickly.

{ you aren't coming }

And with that I spun on my heel and headed towards the village, not even looking back. I guess Fay decided it was a good idea to not follow me because I didn't hear her footsteps behind me. I walked quickly and kept my head down. Stumbling over my own feet as I walked.

The village grew larger and larger as I neared and I could start to hear the villager's chatter. The scent of fresh baked bread and charcoal filled my nose.

Soon I was walking through the village. The people threw themselves onto their knees as I passed, bowing. I stepped over their fingers and tried to avoid their stares. 'Lady Aislin!' They gasped and covered their mouths. Some tried to grab my hair or touch me. I hurried through the streets until I found the place I was looking for.

Asmund's Pub

I pushed open the door and slinked towards the bar, avoiding the men who tried to touch me. The place was gross and run down but it was the only pub in the village. It smelled of cigars and sweat. Most men in the pub were guys in their mid twenties to late thirties. All who were very buff and rough. (A/N: let's play rhyme time) They were all scary looking, to match the interior of the pub. Whose walls were peeling and were covered in different shades of mold. The music was upbeat and loud, pumping through the torn apart speakers. There were very few women in the pub.

I sat down on one of the splintered bar stools. The bartender was shelving spotted glasses. He turned around sharply when I sat down.

"Lady Aislin!" He looked shocked. "W-what can I get you?!" He asked nervously and bowed his head. He was probably around twenty eight or twenty nine. I scanned the shelf behind him until I saw the familiar bottle of Smirnoff. I pointed to it. He chuckled and picked it up, tossing it from hand to hand. "Really? I didn't really picture a Royal Lady of Asgard to be a drinker. I stared at him blankly and watched him pour it into a tiny glass. It looked like it was probably the cleanest they had.

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