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I shuddered and ran my thumb over his bottom lip. He flinched and his eyes shot open.

Suddenly, his hands found their way to my throat and wrapped themselves around my neck. I gasped as he picked me up off the ground and shoved my body against the wall.

His breaths came out of his nose in short, quick pants.

My feet dangled above the marble floor as I struggled to breathe, clawing at his hands desperately.

"Your fault!" His voice echoed in my head.

"L-Loki." I choked out in a straggled voice as black dots started to engulf my vision. "Loki, p..p..Please." I tried to pry his fingers from my neck. Tears leaked from my already swollen eyes. My eyeballs felt like there were about to burst from their sockets from the pressure.

His grip loosened and I slumped to the floor against the wall.

I gasped a horrible gasp and coughed violently while Loki pouted in the corner. After a long while he passed out, probably from pain.

"What the FUCK!?" I angrily screamed at him, but he was in too deep of a slumber to notice.


I was still fighting this fever off, and Loki's robes weren't doing very well at keeping me warm anymore.

I glared at the sleeping man. Angry at him for hurting me, but also angry that I wanted so badly to cuddle him for warmth.

Suddenly, I thought of something and dashed to the cell door quickly and quietly.

"H..hello?" I shakily called into the dark hall through the opening in the cell door. "Hello!?" I whisper/shouted, trying not to wake Loki.

I glanced back at him just to make sure he was still asleep. Footsteps began growing louder every second and soon a young guard dressed in silver armour appeared at the cell door.

"Can I help you my lady?" He asked in a confused tone and eyed and Loki nervously.

I was shocked at his formality, considering I was in a prison cell and he was a guard, technically speaking he was more important than me. He was maybe eighteen and had shaggy brown hair, he wielded his sword uneasily and scratched the back of his neck.

"I demand to speak to Frigga." I ordered. Gripping the metal bars. I had always admired Frigga although I had only seen her twice. Once when we had returned to Asgard and the guards had dragged us past the banquet hall. Frigga had sobbed and chased us down the hall before Odin stopped her. And again during our trial.

"I..I don't think I should let y-" I cut him off by grabbing the collar of his tunic and pulling him against the door through the window slits.

"I. demand. to. speak. to. Frigga." I hissed again pausing between each word.

He nodded vigorously and slid the cell door open, shackling my hands.

His eyes darted around, as if to make sure no one saw, before leading me down the hall and to the throne room. My hands absentmindedly fiddled with the hem of my tunic as we walked. I can't believe this actually worked.

When we reached the infamous throne room, the large golden door creaked open and I was thrown to the floor at the feet of Odin.

"Under whose orders was this prisoner removed from her cell?!" Odin boomed.

Frigga dashed to my side and pulled me from the ground, ignoring her husband's screaming. She brushed the dirt from my tunic.

"Odin, please she's just a girl!" Frigga dismissed him and took my hand.

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