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I heard the door knob turning and I sat up in bed. The sheets smelled like Loki and I was finding it impossible to leave their warmth.

"Aislin..." The visitor whispered, his face sad. I rolled my eyes and fell back onto the bed.

"What...?" I groaned into the pillow. I felt the bed dip as Steve sat down.

"I wanted to apologize, for the way I acted the other day..." His hand absentmindedly traced my exposed fingers. "You just remind me so much of Peggy, it hurts too much to lose her again."

"I'm not Peggy, Steve." I mumbled, pushing myself into a sitting position. Steve's eyes were glossy.

"I know," He sighed, his eyes landing on the bed. He fumbled with something in his hand. "That's why I have to do this..."

I felt a sharp pain in my arm and when I glanced down, I saw Steve retracting a syringe from the crook of my elbow. My eyes widened.

"Steve what did you just do!?" I slurred, my vision already going blurry. I attempted to swing at him but my arm wouldn't cooperate. He sighed and pressed a kiss to my forehead.

"You'll thank me later, Aislin."

My vision went black.


When I came to, my head was pounding. I squinted in the fluorescent lights that lined the room.

"Oh thank Odin." Someone sighed in relief next to me. I felt a warm hand on my own.

"Aislin?" Someone else whispered, stroking my face with their rough knuckles. I shielded my eyes with my arm and pried them open. A large blonde man was standing before me. Thor.

"How are you fairing?" He mused, brushing a piece of hair from my face. "You have been unconscious for nearly two weeks."

"Where's Loki?" I grogged. Frigga gave me a kind smile and pressed a kiss to palm.

"He is in his bedchambers resting, he is fairing very well, just exhausted from his time spent in captivity," Frigga explained.

"What happened?" I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and ran my hands down my face in exasperation. My body felt drained.

"Steve Rogers, he snuck the two of you out of the helicarrier and opened the bifrost." Thor explainer, clapping a hand on my shoulder.

"Come, Aislin let's get you back on your feet."
Frigga hooked her arm under mine and hoisted me from the bed, she was a lot stronger than she looked. She lead me from the infirmary.

"I wanted to thank you, for bringing him back to us." She said gently as we glided through the halls. "Odin nearly raged war on all of Midgard when he heard they had been keeping his son prisoner, it took Thor hours to talk him down."

"Does Loki know that?" I peeked sideways at her. She furrowed her brows in confusion. "Loki doesn't think Odin loves him."

Frigga sighed. "He may not be our blood, but he will always be our son."

She smiled at me and gripped my shoulders. "Now go visit your fiancé." I hadn't realized that we were standing outside of Loki's bedchambers. Frigga kissed my cheek and then lightly pushed me towards the door.

Shakily, I turned the door knob and pushed into the room. It was dark and took several moments for my eyes to adjust. My eyes locked on Loki's sleeping form. He was eagle-spread on his stomach, the duvet bunched around his waist, revealing his toned shoulders and back muscles.

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