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Hey darlings... I'm not sure if I'm going to keep writing this story, I feel like each chapter just gets worse and worse and the story is spiraling downwards. There's barely a plot and the story itself is awful. I'm thinking about taking it down. Sorry, enjoy while you can Xx (oh and s/o to @ReeseSangster and @ShineyLumeo for their lovely comments :)

- Third person P.O.V -

Aislin cracked her eyes open, light was pouring in through the thick curtains. She shielded her eyes and nuzzled into Loki's side who groaned and rolled over. Memories from yesterday flooded into her mind and she winced.

You're dying.

"Loki." She snapped and gripped his hand. His eyes shot open at the sound of her voice and he squinted in the morning light.

"Aislin." He replied in a raspy morning voice. "I wouldn't advise getting blackout drunk." He winced and held his head in his hands.

"Loki. I don't want to die I'm scared." She admitted. She felt him stiffen next to her. They were both lying on their backs, their hands clasped together as if they were both afraid the other would slip away. Which in reality was true.

"You're not going to die Aislin." He assured stiffly.

"How do you know?" She snapped. "You're not Eir."

"Its Naddr." Loki said slowly, letting Aislin absorb the information.

"I-I thought he was dead?" She whimpered.

Loki could see the fear flash in her eyes. He sighed.

"I didn't kill him." He admitted in an ashamed tone. He ran his hands down his face and took a deep breath. "When I rescued you from Naddr, you wouldn't stop screaming that you loved him. Even in your sleep. I thought that if I killed him, you would never come back to me. That you would never love me again." He admitted.

"Loki." Aislin whispered. "T-that wasn't me."

"What?" Loki furrowed his brow in confusion. "If you're telling me some other girl that looks exactly like you, with the same name as you, and was also pregnant wound up in my palace you have some explaining to do." Loki joked.

"It was Belle." She murmured. Loki's jaw clenched.

"Aislin, what is it with you and this Belle character?!" Loki hissed, his expression darkening.

"She was controlling my body. Naddr slipped something into my food and next thing I knew I couldn't move my own hands. I was trapped in my own head, battling her for control." Loki's eyes widened. He looked utterly horrified.

"What?" His voice cracked. He pulled her into his arms quickly. They held each other as Loki whispered soothing words in her ear. Suddenly he tensed and shoved her backwards. Aislin had to grip the sheets to keep herself from toppling off the bed. Hatred flashing across Loki's face. Aislin's heart ached. "How do I know you're not Belle right now?" He growled, a mix of pain and sudden worry.

"She disappeared when you were stabbed." Aislin explained quickly. "You're just going to have to trust me."

Loki looked at her with sad eyes. He looked utterly destroyed. Utterly lost and broken.

"I'm sorry." He whispered. "For everything. It's all my fault. I do not know what to believe anymore" He dropped his head shamefully.

"It's not your fault Loki." Aislin assured. "You can't control the fact that I'm dying." The words caused her heart to sink even lower.

"Yes it is." He snapped. "If I hadn't made you my accomplice you wouldn't have been trapped in that jail cell for months. I would not have tried to strangle you. You would not have been tortured by Naddr. You would not have been raped. You would not have been kidnapped and tortured again. You would not have your own body taken away from you by another soul. You would not have lost the baby. You would not have started drinking. You would not be dying." He finished and tears hung in the corners of his eyes. The sclerae still bloodshot from heavy drinking.

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