Broken Chains

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-fast forward 3 months-

The past three months have been awful. Naddr wasn't torturing me anymore. But that meant Loki got it worse than when both of us were being beaten. Naddr had forced me to kiss him and touch him, I had no choice. I promised to be a 'good girl'. He even made me spend a night in his bed with him. It was terrifying, I tired to lay on the edge of the bed but he always found a way to snake his arms around my waist. I was too scared to fall asleep so I would lay there all night with my heart racing and my hands trembling. It wasn't the same as having Loki's cool soothing hands holding mine while we "spooned", or having his strong arms wrapped tightly around my waist with his lips pressed to my forehead. Naddr's kisses were rough and sloppy. Loki's where soft and gentle yet hard and passionate. Loki always made me feel like I was going to melt in his arms, each time he trailed his lips down my neck or teased me with very soft kisses or when he whispered in my ear. It made my stomach lurch and my toes curl.

We only have six months left until our sentence is up and I couldn't be any happier.

I shuddered and felt Naddr press his lips against the back of my neck. I arched my neck towards the ceiling and tried to pull myself from his grip. He tightened his arms around my waist and I hissed.

"Naddr, let me go." I ordered softly.

"What?" He growled. "I can do whatever I please!" I gasped as both of his hand quickly found their way to my neck. He pressed his lips to mine forcefully. I pressed my lips into a thin line as he tried to work his way inside my mouth. I pushed him off and massaged my sore throat.

"Take me back to Loki!" I cried, my voice shaking. "Take me back! I don't want to be here anymore!"

"As you wish. Just wait until next time." He purred with a smirk. His gaze lowered from mine and he grabbed my wrist, leading me down a set of stone stairs and through several maintenance tunnels.

I was thrown to the floor of our cell and I gasped as my temple smashe against the cold marble floor. I heard Loki shuffling around and soon his strong arms lifted me from the ground and tucked me into the bed.

"What did he do to you?" His eyes were no longer a comforting emerald but a deep army green. My mouth was dry and I nuzzled into his embrace. "Aislin. What did he do to you?" He hissed. I bit my lip and swallowed hard.

"H-he touched me." I said, barely above a whisper. Loki's posture slouched and his eyes bounced around the room. Then his jaw tensed and he stood from the bed. He sat in the middle of the floor with his fists clenched and his head drooped. I licked my lips and felt a tear dribble down my cheek. He didn't move after several minutes.

"Loki...?" His head snapped up at the sound of my voice. His eyes were swollen and blood shot. "C...can" I trailed off when I realized I was raising my arms towards him like a child who wanted to be picked up. He understood and trudged to my side, engulfing me in his embrace. I sighed and took in his scent.

"Loki it was awful. He made me t-touch him and he t-touched me and then he made me s-sleep with h-him." Loki just listened and stroked my hair, I felt him nod against my shoulder every once and a while.

"I wish I could do something... But I can not." He explained and we pulled apart so we could look at each other. His lips were parted slightly and his breathing was ragged. His beautiful pale complexion was destroyed by several bloodied cuts and horrendous bruises. I bit my tongue to hold back a gasp as I ran my finger over a cut above his eyebrow. How had I not seen this before?

He hissed and slapped my hand away. I sighed and pressed my lips to his lightly. I went to pull away but he gripped my hips and kissed me with a newfound hunger. I curled my toes as he tugged on my bottom lip roughly, pleading for entrance. I opened my mouth to whisper something but I was attacked as his tongue went down my throat. His lips tasted of nectarine and peach.

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