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"Hey! Where are you going!" Tony called to me from his loft. "And why are you dressed like that!" He eyed me up and down. I was wearing a tight knee length white pencil skirt with a black button down tucked into it, my hair was tied into a professional updo.

"I got a job!" I called back. Tony sputtered in disbelief.

"A job!? What do you need a job for! I have enough money to support you and your great-great-great-grandchildren for the rest of their lives!" I rolled my eyes at his boastfulness.

"I just need something to keep my mind off of things." I said. He paused and the turned to the women standing next to him.

"Well I think it's very responsible of her, supporting herself." Pepper said condescendingly. "We need more strong independent woman!" I chuckled and waved 'bye' to them before heading up to the helipad.

There, the hovercraft was already waiting for me, a blond man standing on the cargo deck.

"Well if it isn't captain america." I chuckled, ducking under his arm as he lead me towards the jet.

"Welcome to shield!" He called of the sounds of the craft. "Fury said you'll be working for me!" I nodded and within seconds the hovercraft was lifting off from the helipad. Everything grew quieter as we hummed through the skies.

"If that's okay with you."

"What?" I whispered, turning to him.

"I said- you'll be working for me, if that's okay with you?"

"Yeah of course," I mumbled. "Anything to keep myself distracted." He grinned at me and stuck his hand out for me to shake it.

"Well, welcome!" I grinned back and shook his hand.

"I heard about what happened to Loki, I'm sorry." He said sincerely. I sighed, knowing this would be brought up soon.

"He wasn't as evil as everyone made him out to be..." I mumbled. Steve tried to hide his laughter, as he gave me a yeah-right look.

"And I wasn't frozen in a glacier for seventy years." He scoffed.

"Seriously!" I laughed. "Him trying to rule earth was just a phase!" I giggled, realizing how ridiculous my words were. Loki had some issues, but at the end of that day that's all they were, issues. He was a good person, I brought that out of him, as Frigga constantly reminded me. He just struggled with his demons.

"I've been there." Steve suddenly said, his voice taking on a serious tone. "I've lost loved ones." I furrowed my brow at him in confusion.

He sighed and plopped down on the bench next to me, his hands on his knees.

"There was this woman named Peggy, and she was so different from anyone I had ever met. She saw the real me. She saw me as more than just a super soldier, more than just a weapon." He motioned to himself as he spoke.

"What happened to her?" I whispered.

"Old age." He said simply. "I wasn't kidding when I said I was frozen for seventy years. She passed a few months after they thawed me." I mumbled an 'I'm sorry' and Steve rubbed my back comfortingly.

"I can see why you loved Loki." He said. I raised my brows at him. "Well I can't see why, but I understand. You saw the real him. The Loki that no one else saw."



The hovercraft finally landed on the deck of the helicarrier, a giant flying spacecraft invisible to the everyday person due to its reflective underside.

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