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Belle snapped awake and screamed. She began thrashing around.

<Belle!> I snapped and turned towards her. She glared at me and then glanced down at our wrists. They were bound in cushioned gold cuffs that held our arms, legs, and torso against the soft bed. Her head snapped sideways and growled and that's when I realized loki was sitting there watching us intently.

"I hate you," she hissed and spat on him. He jumped up and clenched his fists against his side.

"Aislin?!" He cried and stared at us in disbelief. My heart fluttered as my name rolled off his tongue. Belle flinched and snarled at me.

<What was that?! What'd you do?!> she questioned angrily.

<What do you mean?>

<Why'd our heart do that?!>

I shrugged. Loki was squinting at us.

"W-what are you doing?" He asked quizzically and sat back down. Belle rolled her eyes and groaned. Loki rested his hand on our thigh lovingly and she flinched and struggled against the restraints.

"G-g-get off!" She cried out and our heart sped up. Fear and adrenaline pumping through our veins. "Wait, I'm not wearing the same clothes anymore?" She examined her new outfit and then glanced at me, inside our mind, worriedly. Her breathing still uneasy. As if she was programmed to fear Loki. In the way I feared Naddr. That's all she was, a virus. A bug that infected my brain and my heart.

"Yes, the other outfit was covered in snow and blood so I changed your clothes?" He seemed confused that she would ask. He also seemed confused that she could change emotions so quickly. Like the flip of a switch.

"Y-you saw me naked?!" She shrieked as her eyes darted around the room. He stroked our hand reassuringly and left trails of ice (not literally lol) wherever his fingers wandered.

"Love, I've seen you naked several times." He replied in a duh tone with a light, uneasy chuckle. She began to shake her head.

"No. No no no." She said in hysterics. Loki tensed and his eyes filled with tears. He turned away and shut them gently. Belle began smirking and then decided to fake a sob which caused Loki's attention to snap back us. His emerald eyes raking over our body for anything that could have caused the sudden outburst.

"Loki, p-please," she begged and squirmed, faking winces here and there. "T-the restraints." She motioned to the small cushioned cuffs that were not uncomfortable in any way.

<Shut up!> I hissed at her. <They aren't hurting you!>

"You're hurting me!" She whined and fake winced. He stood up quickly and waved his fingers, a horrified expression on his face. The restraints disappeared, leaving a smokey green dust that swirled around us. Belle jumped up and ran to the door before he could even blink. Loki just sighed and waved his hands again. There was a clicking noise, signaling that the door locked. Belle tugged on it desperately and gasped as Loki suddenly spun us around and pressed us against the door.

"Ash stop, you're making a fool of yourself." He ordered and gripped our wrists in his hands. He pressed them against the door, not hard enough to cause pain or discomfort, but enough to stop Belle from squirming. I felt his hot breath on our neck and I shivered. Belle flinched as he got closer and soon his soft lips were on ours. I moaned and wanted to run my fingers through his hair so badly. Belle just froze, unable to move. Unable to react. Our fingers twitched and she made strange squawking and gagging noises. Both of us fighting for control. I swear I made our pinky finger twitch. It was as if we were stuck in a strange in between, neither of us in control, neither of us able to move.

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