Hello, Belle.

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There ya go! Two chapters in two days! I actually proof read these for once so they should be better than my other chapters. Enjoy! Please vote/comment. Thanks :)

- Aislin's P.O.V -

I screamed and struggled against the mans grip as Loki stood at the doorway with a heart wrenching look on his face. I tried to call for him desperately as tears leaked from my eyes and onto the mans leather- gloved hand. The metal blade was digging into the skin of my neck and I felt a small trickle of blood down my collar bone. Loki lunged for us but before he could even reach us we were gone.

We were now standing somewhere very cold and very unsettling. I shivered as the man removed the blade from my neck and his firm hand from my mouth. I felt my breath hitch in my throat when I spun on my heel.

"I've missed you darling," he purred and stroked my jawline. I growled at him and slapped his hand away. He narrowed his eyes at me and looked me up and down.

"I've been watching you Aislin. I know you love me, you asked me with your glances. With your gestures. You asked me to save you from him." He exclaimed lovingly. I began to tremble with anger now as I clasped and unclasped my hands into firsts.

"I asked you to kidnap me!?" I howled with unhumorous laughter. I shook my head and just chuckled. "Go to hell." I uttered through my clenched jaw. Suddenly he grabbed me by the hair and yanked backwards so I was facing him.

"Here's the deal. Either we wed and live happily ever after or...." He trailed off as his black eyes flickered to my lips. His hand that was tracing small shapes on my neck, now beginning to squeeze harder and harder with every word. "I will murder Loki." He smirked and cocked his head sideways.

I bit my lip and tried not to cry as images of Loki covered in blood flashed by my eyes. He pressed a sloppy kiss to my lips and took me roughly by my shoulder.

"Come my queen, we will rule this land together," he purred in my ear as I flared my nostrils angrily.

- Loki's P.O.V -

I buried my head in my hands as Thor parted my back gently.

"She is gone. I lost her," I whispered, my voice cracking.

"We will get her back," Thor assured and rested his hand on my shoulder. I squirmed and removed his hand from my collar roughly.

"Thor. He is a sorcerer." I muttered into my hands and trembled. He froze, no longer patting my back or stroking it. I wiped my hands down my face and stormed out of the room. My fists were clenched at my sides. I groaned loudly and pounded my fist against a random wall. I waited until my breathing was even. I waited until my thoughts cleared. Until I could actually breathe. Until the screams stopped erupting from my throat. And until I could actually think straight. And then I waltzed into the royal meeting room and called for war tactics.

Within an hour every important person in the kingdom was sitting around the long table with Odin at the end and my mother next to him. I stood and cleared my throat causing the chatter to die down as all eyes turned towards me. Everyone waited for me to speak and I took a deep breath.

"Aislin is gone," I announced and some people rolled their eyes and others just looked and me. As if saying 'Yeah, she probably left you for a better man.'

I grit my teeth and cracked my neck. "Aislin was kidnapped. Taken to Jotunheim." Some people began to whisper and I slammed my hand down on the table. This got their attention and I cleared my throat again. "I am putting together a group of warriors to return her." People began to groan. And each whisper, or groan, or roll of the eyes made my heart ache for her. I began putting people together mentally and then began pointing them out and ordering them to the weaponry unit.

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