Jeune Fille

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I was awoken by a small hesitant knock on my door. It obviously wasn't Thor, he would have just entered my room. The word privacy means absolutely nothing to him. The door was still splintered all over the floor with a massive hole in the other.

A girl entered. I barely cracked my eyes open but quickly closed them when she got closer. She was around my age and she wore a tight white gown that had a flowing white skirt, ending just above her knees. A small, deep purple apron rested around her waist. The collar, and also the edge of her sleeves were white and ruffley. Her hair was pulled back into a braided bun. No doubt she was a maid.

"My Lady Aislin." She murmured. I didn't budge. I'd rather not have to deal with people today. "Lady Aislin please, wake up, it is time for breakfast." I felt her small fingers shaking my arm lightly. I groaned and pulled Loki's helmet closer to against my body. How I missed waking up to his soft kisses or whispers. "Lady Aisli-"

"Please just call me Aislin, I don't need formality." I ordered, giving her a smile. She nodded and sat on the edge of the bed hesitantly when I offered her a spot.

"I am sorry..." She muttered. I furrowed my eyebrows together and cocked my head slightly. "For you and Loki. I can tell how much you love him." I bit my tongue and held back my words. But we don't love each other.

"La- I mean, Aislin you can cry in front of me, it's alright." She assured, rubbing my back lightly. I glanced up at her and she gave me a sincere smile. "You can always talk to me, I will not tell a soul." She promised in a hushed tone.

"I just... miss him I guess..." I whispered, dropping my gaze from hers.

"You will see him soon." She reassured, stroking my hair.

"I..I don't even know your name.." I whispered, I knew if talked any louder than a whisper the tears might free themselves from my eyes.

"Fay, my name is Fay." She replied, giving me a smile. "Shall we get you dressed for breakfast?" I nodded and she helped me from the bed. I was handed a bronze colored dress with ruffly sleeves and a corset. I groaned and hissed as she tied my corset back for me. Next she helped me put on the hoop skirt and then the actual skirt and then she helped me with my shoes. I braided my hair to the side and followed her out of the room.

She led me out of the chambers and towards the dining hall.

No doubt I was late, I heard several loud conversations going on behind the golden doors. The conversations ceased and they stared to stare and whisper as we entered the dining hall. Frigga scolded them and they slowly went back to eating. I quietly took a seat next to Frigga and dropped my hands in my lap.

"My dear, eat something please." Frigga begged. I scooped something
breakfast-y onto my plate and sighed, poking at it lightly. "You know, he would not want you to starve yourself." She suggested.

"I just can't bring myself to do anything besides sleep." I whispered. I knew if I raised my voice at all I would cry. Frigga gave Odin a pleading look but he just glanced away. I know I need to eat but I just can't bring myself to eat anything without throwing it up right after. I gave her a small smile and dropped my gaze to my lap.

"Can I see him?" I asked Frigga with pleading eyes. She looked to Odin and Odin just gave her a cold stare. He shook his head.

"It's just that... h-he understands." I explained, "He's the only one who knows what I suffered."

"Odin! Look at the poor girl!" Frigga cried pulling me into her embrace.

Odin sighed and called a guard over. He whispered something in his ear and then the guard whispered something to Odin.

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