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"Aislin." The voice hissed. She groaned and rubbed her hands down her face. She sat up from the warm bed, throwing the covers off. She shivered as the cool air embraced her body. A pair of icey fingers touched her skin.

"What?" She growled, her voice sounded hoarse and not like her own.

"I'm bored." The voice purred, it's owner stroking her face. She shuddered away from the hand and it shot forward and wrapped around her throat.

"Now, Aislin..." The voice made a 'tsk tsk tsk' sound. "We've talked about this." The hand tightened around her throat and she struggled for air. Her heart pounded in her chest.

"Don't touch me." She spat. Suddenly the man's other hand tangled itself in her hair and yanked her head backwards, she cried out in pain.

He reached down and ripped the clothes from her body.

"Naddr, please." She begged, shuddering away from him. His icy fingers caressed her naked breasts. She was frozen, unable to move as he assaulted her.

She blinked and suddenly she was standing in a barren landscape, frigid wind whipping her hair around  and raising goose bumps on her naked skin. She shivered and blinked against the thick snow that was coming down. She took a step forward and stumbled, the harsh winds nearly knocking her over.

"AISLIN!" A voice screamed. She whipped around and saw Loki on his knees across the landscape, chains around his neck and wrists. He was wearing the same outfit he wore on the day of their sentencing, and he looked younger.

He stood and charged towards her, the wind having no effect on him. His eyes were dark and inhumane. He gave off a dark aura.

"Stupid." He hissed and shoved her backwards with both hands, still bound in his chains. She gasped and looked at him in disbelief.

"You are a stupid mortal girl for staying with me." His voice dripped venom and sounded unlike him. "You are stupid for thinking I loved you."


"I USED YOU!" He wrapped both hands around her throat, tightening his grip until her vision began to spot.

She clawed at his hands and kicked at him as he lifted her from the ground, her toes barely brushing against the icy ground.

Suddenly, his grip loosened and his eyes went wide. His face paled and he dropped Aislin to the ground.

His white fingers flew to his neck and when he pulled them away they were covered in blood. A thin red line ran across his throat and was beginning to spill blood down his collarbones.

"A-Aislin..." He gurgled as blood dripped from his lips.

He collapsed to the ground, dying the snow crimson with his blood.

A man stood behind him, an evil grin across his lips and a bloodied dagger in his hand. Naddr.

Aislin screamed.

Her eyes flew open, her heart racing in her chest. She felt around the bed for Loki and panicked when she couldn't find him. The room was completely dark, her eyes not able to make out a single shape. An icy breeze danced across her skin and she shivered, she didn't know where she was.

She felt her breathing speed up and she shakily pulled the covers around her body, desperately trying to warm up. Her lashes grew heavy with tears until they poured down her cheeks.

Was she back in Jotunheim? What if Naddr kidnapped her in the night?

She heard a shuffling on the far side of the room and she whimpered into the pillow, trying to muffle her sobs. The shuffling grew louder as a figure neared the end of the bed.

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