Chapter 18: When I'm President

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Noon came a lot faster than you expected. You spent last night at Midari's place, and was so preoccupied with her and her gun, that you were late for school. Rushing down the hallways, you made a right turn near the entrance of the school to the Momobami Clan's private quarters.

"So what's the deal? Are they like yakuza bosses or something?" You mumbled to yourself, making your way into the large office space.

"The Hundred Devouring Families are not that type of organization. It is foolish to think so." A voice said, startling you. You turned to face Rei, looking up at you with kind eyes. (I'm writing this from my height POV which is 6' so if you're shorter, then imagine she's looking down at you instead lol)

"Jeez you're creepy." You said to the girl, she simply smiled at you.

"Would you like some tea?" She offered, you raised your hand to say no.

"Let's just get this over with, what do you want?"

"Simple. I want you to be head of the beautification committee when I become president of this academy." You laughed so hard, snot almost came out. Rei got angry. She quickly walked closer to you and grabbed your throat. She was a lot stronger than she seemed, and a lot angrier too.

"You're hot, and normally I'm not opposed to this kinda stuff, but I'm not super interested in cheating on my girlfriend." You smirked, she let go of you.

"Will you consider it? I've looked at the reports of your work in Ikishima's committee. And I am confident in the fact that I will win this election. You and I both were nothing at a time, wouldn't you want to be at the top? I payed off your debt so you could serve me in this way. You looked into her bright amber eyes. She seemed to be telling the truth.

So Rei was the one who payed off your debt. You wondered how. You brushed it aside and focused back on the topic at hand.

"Sorry, I'll pass. Although I do owe you big time for my debt." Rei lowered her head a bit.


"Although I'd be fine with you becoming the president, The beautification committee is one of the few things that makes Midari happy. She says it gives her a purpose. I want her to stay that way. Everyone deserves to have something they can be selfish about."

"I understand. But then let me ask you...what's your 'selfish desire?" You looked at Rei. Midari popped up in your mind immediately, but you thought it was best to not tell her, in case it would be used as blackmail later.

"What else? Kinky gay sex." You smiled brightly at Rei, who scoffed (but her cheeks became slightly red.)

"You may leave now Y/N, thank you for speaking with me." Rei went to bow, you grabbed her hand.

"Hey, no matter what happens in this election, there's always a way out of your chains." You turned and walked away, leaving Rei to ponder over your words. When you were in the hallway, your phone went off. It was a text from Midari.

Hey babe! You ran off this morning and I didn't know where you went, want to get some food later? Yuriko told me about this tea house place and I think you would like it a lot. Okay let me know! Love you, you're hot!

You smiled brightly, and texted back.

Sounds good, I'll meet you in the parking lot <3

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