Chapter 14: At Home

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(Tw: mentions of scratches, bruises, etc. + evidence of that stuff on the drawing above lol)

"Do you still hurt?" You asked Midari, lightly pouring some water onto her tattered back. The two of you had gone straight to Midari's house after the beautification room. Now you both were in Midari's bathtub, the room slowly filling with steam.

"It's amazing." Midari said, excitement clear in her voice. "I'm a fan of you hurting me."

"Oh?" Midari chuckled at your words.

"Wasn't that obvious?"

You guessed it was. After a couple rounds in the beautification room, Midari had bruises, bites and scratches all over her body. You did as well, just on a much lesser scale. Midari went crazy every time you went rough with her. So now you were sure to be extra gentle after. Midari turned around to face you, her skin shining from the film of water on her.

"Are you okay? Anything hurting you?" She said firmly. You hurt a little bit, but it was nothing to worry about.

"I'm alright."

"Okay that's good." Midari gently laid her head on your chest. She gave you little kisses on your collarbone, you giggled each time.

"Let's go to bed, Y/N."


Midari stood up from the bath and grabbed a giant purple towel. Once you stood up, she wrapped you in it (not without staring at you first) like a giant burrito, then carried you to her bed. She snuggled you in the blankets, then reached for the tv remote as you were falling asleep.

"HOLY SHIT Y/N LOOK ITS GUN CRAZY!" Midari yelled, jolting you from sleep.

"What? Who's gun crazy?"

"Look!! The movie about that guy who's gun crazy??"

"Is this a documentary about you by any chance?"

"Just watch it."

You cuddled back into Midari, her eyes glued to the black and white screen. Your eyelids slowly got heavier and heavier until you couldn't keep them open anymore. As you drifted off, you heard Midari's words.

"I love you, Y/N."

(Just wanted to do a cute little chapter! Btw I watched gun crazy in film class, and I couldn't stop thinking of Midari when I watched it)

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