Chapter 2: Sleep

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(Some cute stuff near the end, smut later lol)

You were at home, watching some anime. You tried to focus, but everything kept reminding you of Midari.

"Stop it" you said to yourself, wolfing down some buttered popcorn "You're a pet now, she's not your friend...she owns you."

She owns you...but only because she wanted to help you. But why?

"I think you're like me..." her words rang in your ears.

"I swear, every day that girl gets more confusing."

You gave up trying not to think about her. You wanted to know who you'd be spending so much of your time with. You grabbed the small piece of paper Midari had given you from your bedside table and stared at it for a long while.
You couldn't control it. You wanted to go see her. No, you needed to go see her. Without even changing out of your pajamas, you grabbed your car keys and walked out the door.


Stepping out of your car and into the freezing midnight air almost made you regret your decision to come here. But then you saw Midari, sitting on the patio of her apartment on the third floor, smoking a cigarette and looking out into the city lights. She looked sad. As her eyes glazed over the sky, she looked down and noticed you. You quickly looked away, but then you heard her call your name.

"Y/N? Is that you?" The crazy girl said.

You gritted your teeth and looked back up at her

"Yeah...I-uh I don't really know why I'm here."

She smiled and called back to you.
"Well don't just stand there, come on up I'll buzz you in."

She put out her cigarette on the patio handlebar and walked inside her room. You could see her shadow dancing along the curtains. You heard a loud buzz and rushed to the door. Going up the stairs, you began regretting your decision again, until you saw her in the hallway, her back against the wall. She looked completely different than how she did at school. She looked...soft. A big shirt and boxers that showed off her pale legs, gorgeous.

"Hey kitten." Midari cooed. Sending a chill down your spine and butterflies in your stomach.

"Hi Ikishima San."

"Please don't call me that. Anything but that." Midari looked down at her feet.

"Oh I'm sorry." You said, making your way to her.

"Let's just go inside okay? Do you want a monster energy? Or tea or something?" Midari said as she opened her apartment door for you.

"I think tea will be fine, thank you."

As you walked in, you were surprised by how clean it was, minus Midari's wall of newspapers it seemed? It looked as if she had tried to plaster some kind of design but it went horribly wrong. You decided to ignore it. You heard some kind of true crime show playing in another room.

"How fitting." You thought.

"Make yourself at home, no one else lives with me so you're free to explore. It's small so I can take care of it myself." Midari called from the kitchen.

You made your way to her room, following the sounds of
"The victims body was found at 34-"

Her room was clean as well, with a deep crimson aesthetic. You sat down on the edge of her bed, it was quite soft, you thought, fiddling with your thumbs. Midari walked in with a small cup of what smelled like black tea.

"Here you go." She said, handing you the steaming cup.

You smiled at her, Midari taking it as an invitation to sit next to you. She pushed some hair out of your face and you blushed.

"Why are you really here?" She asked, still softly tucking the loose strand behind your ear.

"I-I uh. I don't really know. I guess I just wanted to know you better."

"So you came to my house in the middle of the night?" Midari snickered.

"It's not like you were asleep or anything." You snapped back

"That's a fair point, cause I'm not tired." Midari said as you began to yawn "but I think it's obvious that you are."

You looked at her, sleep beginning to consume you. Without another word, Midari took the cup of tea from your hands and placed it on her dresser, and pulled you under the covers. She turned off every light and got into bed with you.
Midari laid down next to you, but she was very stiff, almost as if she was trying to avoid you. But in your sleepy state, you crawled on top of her and put your arms around her neck, she relaxed and grabbed your waist, pulling you tighter.

"Goodnight, Miri." You said quietly, your face buried in her chest.

"Thank you." She said. You could feel her breathing go soft as she held you.

~Alexa, play "watch you sleep" by girl in red~

You woke up with a slight warmth on your back and your lungs filled with fresh air. You opened your eyes and saw the sunlight dancing with Midari's curtains.

Oh shit
Midari is sleeping next to me

You turned to where your back was facing, Midari lay there peaceful. Her eye was shut, and she was softly breathing. Maybe she felt you watching her, because she opened her eye and lightly smiled at you. She traced her hand along your waist and pulled you in again. The two of you just looked at each other for what seemed like hours. Midari placed her hands on your back, you put one hand on her cheek and came so close to each other, there was only a breath separating your lips.

"Can I kiss you?" Midari whispered

Without a twinge of embarrassment or fear, you gladly whispered back,

"Yes please."

Midari slowly placed her lips against yours, and gave you a soft but strong kiss. Holding onto every part of you. She tasted like pomegranate and sleep. A lovely combination you just melted into.

She pulled away, getting a groan out of you.

"I know, but it's Friday so I need to start getting ready for school. And so should you.

"But school sucks, who cares." You said, eager to taste her again.

"C'mon Y/N, it's time to wake up." Midari said, practically dragging you from the bed.

You sluggishly got up and your stomach started attacking you.

"Oh my god, I'm so hungry." You said, getting a laugh out of Midari.

"There's a cafe down the street, could you get me a coffee with a double shot of espresso while you're there?"

You nodded. Of course that's what she drinks.

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