Chapter 19: You're Mine 🍋

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Rei's auction was yesterday. You could feel a cold chill every time you passed Midari since it was over. She would barely talk to you, she avoided eye contact every time you looked in her direction.

"Something's definitely off." You mumbled to yourself. Midari, who was seated across from you in the beautification room, didn't bat an eye. Normally she would jump at your voice, or at least respond. You were tired of this.

"What happened?" You asked abruptly, rising from your seat. She didn't answer. You moved over to her side of the desk, covered in student files. You reached over and moved her chin to face you. She still looked away from you.

"Look in my eyes." She slowly moved her eye to look at your own.

"You're finally looking at me. Are you sick of me or something?" You said, anger evident in your tone. Midari rose, but you kept your hand firmly on her.

"N-no it's nothing like that. It's just..." her voice trailed off, and she looked away from you again.

"Is this about Jabami? I already know that you made a fool of yourself during the auction." You said calmly. Midari looked up, embarrassed.

"So why aren't you yelling at me? Or at least a little angry?"

"Because I know how hard it is to get rid of something that made you so happy. I know you want her for gambling, something I can't give you. But I get something better." Midari looked at you, her eye welling up.

"W-What do you get?" Midari stuttered. You leaned in closer to her body, moving your hand down to her neck. You reached over and kissed her, biting her bottom lip as you parted. You turned and whispered in her ear.

"I get to love you, and see you twitch. I get your attention and taste. I get something no one else can get..." You moved back to face her.

"So what should I do? Should I give up and hand you over to Yumeko? Or should I make you forget about her. I want your eyes only on me."

"I...I definitely think you should make me forget." Midari squirmed under your body. Her cheeks were bright red. You moved your hands from her neck down to her waist, lifting up her skirt. You pushed her down on top of the student files and started rubbing her, Midari whimpering with each movement.

"You're already so wet and I barely even touched you..." you bit her neck gently. "Look at me." Midari followed your command. You saw her eye go crazy every time you went harder.

After a few minutes of heavy breath, Midari held onto you tighter and bit her lip to restrain herself. It didn't work. She shook violently under you, you could tell she came, but your body wouldn't stop. Her voice came out in quiet whimpers.

"Wait...n-no I'm sensitive now I-" you kept going.

"Feels better when it's raw, doesn't it?" Unable to speak, she held onto your back with a firmer grip, your shirt wrinkling and folding under her hands. You only let go when she came again. She let go of your back and took in a few heavy breaths. You lifted her up and settled her into her chair. You leaned over to her and gently held her hands.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been so rou-" Midari kissed you to cut you off.

"Hey this is me we're dealing with. That was the opposite of a problem, babe." She smiled with as much energy as she could afford, and put her head on your shoulder.

"You're mine." You whispered to her.

"And you're mine too, Y/N."


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