Chapter 17: The White Glove

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A strong hand grabbed your arm, pulling you back. You weren't able to see the person's face, you didn't know what they were doing, you didn't even know why you came to the gardens. The person turned you to face them. It was a tall tall girl with brown swept bangs and glasses. She had the boys uniform on, save for a small pair of white gloves. She looked familiar, maybe you've seen her before?

"Y/N?" The person asked, still gripping your arm.

"Take your fucking hand off of me." Your voice was firm and unwavering. The person instantly let go of you, and took a deep bow.

"I am deeply sorry, I thought you might have recognized me so I was too friendly."

"You call that friendly?"

"I suppose not." The person straightened their posture and offered their hand to you. You took it.

"My name is Rei, I've come to serve the Bami Clan in the election."

"And what do you need with me?"

"You and I are similar. I am planning to be freed of the chains that restrain me, you have just been released. I know who donated to the academy in your name, and now I seek your help." You were shocked. Freed? From Midari? And who donated?

"I wasn't 'freed,' I just lost a stupid tag. Midari didn't treat me any different."

"I heard you two are together romantically. Is that not treating you differently?"

"It's a different situation." You said, but a whisper of doubt still lingered in your mind.

"No matter. I need your assistance. Since you have nowhere else to go, meet me in the Bami quarters at noon tomorrow. We have much to discuss." Rei turned and left the gardens without another word, leaving you alone once again.

"The donation...Miri...Rei..." what do I do?" You thought. You went to sit on one of the stone concrete benches of the gardens. A shadow sat next to you.


"Huh?" Your girlfriend looked at you, her sides lightly brushing yours.

"I'm not your pet anymore." Her eye widened, a smile forming.

"Yeah I know." You jolted back, turning to face her. She continued.

"I received a message a few days ago that if I agree to some auction thing next week, then you'd be free. So I agreed."

You jumped into her arms, kissing her a million times everywhere. She laughed loudly.

"I guess you're excited?" you nodded wildly. Midari's face sunk.

"Does this mean we're over though?" She turned to you, a tear forming in her eye. You kissed her.

"No. I want to stay with you." Midari smiled and kissed you again.

"Hey girlfriend! Wanna get lunch tomorrow? To celebrate you losing that pet tag?"

"Umm I can't, I have somewhere to be at noon tomorrow."

Midari smiled and grasped your hand.

"Okay, I can wait."

A million questions ran through your head. You brushed them aside and moved over so your head was in Midari's lap. She lightly hummed to you as the two of you sat in the gardens. Just enjoying each other's company. Tomorrow can wait.

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