Chapter 7: Obsession

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Idea given by @idkidkidklollol234 (I hope I got your user right, thanks so much!)

Kirari's speaking parts will be in bold, so it's easier to understand <3

"Tell me everything about you and Ikishima-San. Now."

Kirari said, her voice stern and cool. You had woken up with Midari wrapped in your arms, but had to tear from the moment when you heard honking outside. You left Midari in your bed and was escorted to the school in the president's personal limousine. Now you stood before her. Spilling every piece of information about you and Ikishima. You finished telling your story. And Kirari spoke once again.

"You want her, don't you?" You giggled at her words.

"I just told you, I've already had her."

Kirari looked at you with what seemed like pity, but it was so slight you almost missed it.
"No, you haven't. Midari had some moments of weakness, yes. But has she said she wants you, in a way that's not sexual?

You paused. You're sure she did, but nothing came to mind.

"But. She's like me." You softly mumbled, remembering last night.

"Yes she is. You're both obsessed. But the thing is, you're not the one she's obsessed with. You're just a temporary escape." Kirari said, beckoning Sayaka over to refill her tea.

"What do you mean?" You began to get annoyed with Kirari's words.

"You said she came to your house and asked you what you think of her."


"And why do you think that is?"

"Maybe she was just curious?"

"That is incorrect. I received reports that yesterday, Ikishima-San joined a finger slicing gamble against Mushibami San and Jabami San, with the aims of getting Jabami Yumeko to notice her once again."

You were stunned. "Jabami Yumeko?"

"Yes, the very woman who was challenged by Midari not too long ago. I'm sure she told you about it."

She hadn't.

Kirari continued, "Ever since their first gamble, Midari has been obsessed with her. I believe she came to you in search of clarity. She asked if you think she's crazy, because Yumeko was outraged at Midari after the game, Ikishima simply came to you for reassurance."

"Why are you telling me this? Why do you even care?" You raised your voice.

Kirari chuckled, which made you uneasy.

"I simply like to mix it up in my little may leave now L/N San."

Sayaka escorted you out. The school bell rang, signaling the beginning of the day. You quickly walked to your first class, trying to ignore the screams in your head.

Midari wouldn't use me as an escape, doesn't she want me? Momobami is lying.

Yet, the more you thought about it, the more possible it looked down at your pet tag, the name "mittens" written very clearly. You hadn't noticed it until now.

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