Chapter 15: Drunk

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"Pretty lady...prett...hey...Kukuk. Want some of my drink?" Midari asked, whispering in your ear, leaving her hot breath on your neck. It had been a few days since the beautification room, and Midari had avoided touching you, in fear of being too rough. You thought she needed a little relaxation time, so you let her loose for the night. But only to be called at 3am by a wasted Midari, asking for you to come meet her.

"Uh I'm alright, I need to take you home." You pushed the drink away from yourself, letting Midari sit back in her bar stool.

"Home? I have a girlfriend, but thanks for the offer." Midari glared at you.

"Uh Midari? I'm your girlfriend."

"Wait really??? You're so pretty!!" Midari squealed, becoming unbalanced and falling out of her chair. Her back hit the ground hard. You quickly got out of your chair to go to her.

"Miri are you oka-" Midari grabbed the collar of your shirt and pulled you in closer, so you were now over her. Her face inches from yours. The other people at the bar started to look at the two of you.

"Midari let go, people are looking." You tried getting up, but Midari pulled harder, bringing her lips to yours. She " whispered" (she really yelled) to you:

"You look so sexy on top of me, you should do it more often."

Others at the bar cheered in their drunken states. You pulled yourself from Midari, who whooped in confidence with the crowd.

"Let's go home you crazy drunk."

"Kukuku okey."

You and Midari stumbled into Midari's apartment, her arm wrapped around your neck for balance. You walked her over to the couch so she could relax.

"I'm going to get you some water okay?" You said, after making sure Midari was in a comfortable position.

"Wait! I need something from the pretty girl in my house." Midari reached her hands out to you.

"Yes?" You said, walking over to her. Suddenly Midari grabbed your waist and pulled you onto the couch, on top of her. She wrapped her arms around your neck and began sloppily kissing you.

"No Midari, no stop." She paused, noticing your harsh tone.

"But why-"

"Not when you're drunk."

"Because you're not drunk too?"

"What? No that's not why I-" Midari cut you off my pushing an open bottle of alcohol into your mouth. You coughed, choking on the harsh liquid inside. Midari moved you over so she was now sitting on your lap.

"Now we can do it right?"

"Midari that's not what I meant. Also how did you even get that bottle past me?

"Hmm i think you need more." Midari said, pouring some alcohol into her mouth. She then grabbed your face and kissed you, transferring it to you. Midari stuck her tongue down your throat, ensuring the booze went down.

"I-" you tried to get some words out, but Midari kept kissing you.

"Shhh pretty lady." Midari said, moving her lips to the side of your neck.

"This feels wrong, I don't want you to regret anything. Especially since you haven't been-"

"Didn't I just say shhhh" Midari lightly bit your neck, silencing you. "I've been nervous, I just needed to get the confidence to touch you back. Cause fuck have I wanted to." Midari began taking off your shirt, nearly ripping off every button as she went down. She kissed your chest and trailed her tongue over your body. You put your hands under her shirt, lifting it up. Midari took a deep breath and put her head on your chest. You went to take off her shirt, but noticed Midari wasn't awake. She started lightly snoring on your chest. You giggled and moved her over so the two of you were comfortable on the couch. You passed out and woke up to Midari kissing your neck.

"Here y/n...let me make it up to you for falling asleep last night..."

(I'll leave the rest up to your lovely imaginations cause I'm really hungry and I haven't eaten today so I'm gonna go make some ramen!)

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