Chapter 10: Revenge

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(Teasing, light smut, mentions of gun play, knife play, etc.)

After confessing your love to each other and spending last night at your house, Midari was even more touchy than ever. While you walked to the academy in the early morning, she nervously laced her fingers with yours, blushing wildly. You turned to her, smiled, and grabbed onto her.

"So I was thinking." You said. Midari perked up at your voice.

"Maybe we should talk to President Momobami." Midari tilted her head. Then she understood.

"To tell her she was wrong?" She smirked at the idea.

"Maybe..." you turned to her, grinning wildly.

"I'm down." She said, walking a little faster towards the school, holding your hand tightly.

You both entered the student council room, only to find it completely empty. Midari walked to Kirari's desk, and checked under the table.

"Just in case, heh." You giggled at her crooked smile.

"Hey y/n..." Midari said, leaning on Kirari's desk, beckoning you forward.

"Yeah?" You said, warily inching closer to her.

"I don't think Kirari is here." You laughed at Midari's observation.

"Uh no shit."

"Hey, maybeeee-"

"I don't like we're you're going with this."

"-eee we could get revenge, instead of scolding Momobami."

"What kind of revenge?" You said, biting your lip. You already knew what was going to happen.

"I think you know, kitten." Midari said, pulling you into her body. She kissed you, grabbing the back of your head. You groaned while she pulled away.

"And maybe we could even spice up the...revenge?" Midari smirked, pressing your hips to hers. You went back a bit, teasing her.

"What? Has far not been good?"

"Heh, I love the 'so far' part, and it's been..." Midari blushed violently. "wow...but maybe we could mix it up a bit? You ran your hands in her hair.

"How so?" Midari squirmed a bit, obviously excited at the possibilities.

"Okay so I was thinking guns, then maybe knives? Depends on if you're comfortable with it though, then maybe I could tie your wrists and I could use-"

You cut her off with a kiss. She blushed and bit her lip.

"I see what you mean when you say 'mix it up'"

"Yeah..." Midari was lost in thought for a second, then snapped back, looking at you. "Well, what do you like? What are your kinks?


"Interesting...I think I can work with that."

She pushed you over, pinning you down. She put a hand at your throat, brushing your bottom lip with her thumb. Blood filled your cheeks. Midari seeing this, smirked and ran her hand down your body as the two of you made out on Kirari's table.

"Don't you think someone will walk in?" You said, eagerly unbuttoning her shirt.

"Let's make sure we give them a show then." Midari then ripped your shirt off and threw it over on the floor.

Midari kissed down your neck and onto your chest, only to be interrupted by Kirari and Sayaka entering the student council room. Midari turned around and waved at them, not letting go of you with her other hand.


"Oh, heh...sorry." You pushed her off and reached for your shirt. You saw Kirari cover her laugh with her hand, Sayaka's whole face was red.

"I see why you asked to keep her, Ikishima." Kirari said, noticing your bra.

Midari stepped in front of you, covering your body.

"Sorry bout that prez, I just-"

Kirari put her forefinger up, signaling for Midari to be silent.

"It doesn't matter, come Sayaka, let's start work for the day."

Sayaka made some incoherent mumbling, and rushed over to Kirari's desk. She looked at you putting your shirt on, blushed, and turned back to the desk. Midari grabbed your wrist and pulled you out of the room, as the two of you were leaving, you heard Sayaka say.

"Why can't we do that?"


The two of you were walking alone in the hallway after your ordeal with Kirari and Sayaka. Midari nervously grabbed your hand again, just as she did earlier.

"I think that was pretty good revenge for Kirari." You said, to ease the tension.

"Yeah it was good, but it wasn't the revenge I had hoped for."

She stopped you and looked along the hallway, checking to see if anyone was around. Once you were in the clear, she pinned you up against the lockers.

"It's been so long since I've touched you, Y/N. I don't think I can wait that much longer."

You looked at her hunger-ridden eye.

"You won't have to. After school okay?"

"My place?" Midari said, still firmly holding you to the wall.


She leaned in to kiss you, you moved your head, making Midari kiss the locker.

"Heyyyyy no fair."

"You're just going to have to wait until tonight." You winked at her and wiggled out of her hold on you.

"Hey wait up!" You raised your finger in the air, just as Kirari had, silencing Midari. It made her body shake.

"Until tonight." You turned and walked away, leaving a lustful Midari alone in the hallway.

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