Chapter 16: Mittens

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You made your way to the gates of the academy, monday's morning breeze welcoming you. Midari walked next to you, her hands in her pockets (she has pockets in her skirt cause she's a bad bitch.) The two of you were making your way to the beautification room when Midari got an alert. When she picked up her phone, her face sunk.

"Uh Y/N?" She turned to face you, her eye sunken.


"The president wants to see you."


Midari chuckled, some tension lifted off your shoulders. You grabbed her hand.

"Okay let's go." Midari pulled back.

"No, she only wants to see you." The tension was back. You quickly nodded and turned in the direction of the student council room, leaving Midari in the hallway alone. She yelled after you.

"Tell me how it goes!"


You slowly opened the grand office door, scanning the room. You saw Kirari, sitting on a couch in the corner, perfect posture, with a cup of tea in hand. Her cold eyes darted in your direction, and she smirked.

"Ah Mittens, please have a seat." You immediately followed her orders. Now sitting on the opposite couch, you spoke.

"President Momobami, what do you need from me?"

"Well I see you're eager to find out why I called you here." Before you had a chance to speak, she spoke again. "Someone has made a sizable donation in your name to my aquarium, it seems you are no longer a house pet."

You looked down at your tag. It read:
Hyakkaou Academy Beautification Counsel
Property of: Midari Ikishima

You sat there, your eyes lingering on the last words. Kirari stood from her seat and made her way next to you. She grabbed your collar and pulled it towards her, bringing you with it. Your faces were inches apart.

"Y/ seems you've become human again. But I wonder what this will do to my poor little fish, Midari." Her lips upturned, forming a slightly unnerving smile. She yanked on the tag, ripping it off your neck. Your body jolted forward, landing on top of Kirari. She looked up at you.

"Your first moment of freedom and you move onto the president? Interesting..." she smiled again, still tightly clutching your old tag.

"I'm so sorry! It's just that you pulled on my tag and I-" Kirari lightly laughed. She pushed you off of her and sat up, composing herself. The morning bell rang.

"Don't be late for class, Y/N. You are no longer tied to Ikishima. I expect great things from you." You quickly walked out of the room, your heart beating a thousand times a minute.

"No longer tied to Midari? I still want to be near her. Did she pay the donation? Is she tired of me?" Your mind kept wandering. You walked right past your classroom, and made your way to the gardens at the front of the school. You were so lost in thought, you didn't notice...someone was following you.

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