Chapter 5: The Bathroom🍋

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(🍋smut time for the gays🍋 some throat grabbing, stuff like that)

"Midari??" You said, breathing heavily. She had your back to the wall, one hand on your throat, one on your breast.

"Why waste your time talking when you could be tasting me?" She said, adding pressure to your throat. She saw your face, blushing like crazy, she smirked. Leaning closer to you, she whispered.

"It's your turn..."

"What?" You said confused and short of breath.

Midari held onto your throat tighter.

"I said you could taste me later, now is the time Y/N."

Oh. OH

You looked at Midari's face. She had a bead of sweat on her cheek, and she was panting lightly. With flushed cheeks, you reached over and licked the sweat off of her. She bit her lip and took a large breath. Without a word, you pushed her arms off of you and flipped her over, so now she was at the wall.

"Y/N..." Midari whimpered

"Shh Miri, no talking." You said back to her firmly, as you started reaching for her skirt. Pushing the pleated uniform aside, you touched her thigh.

"You're such a tease, please ju-" you cut Midari off by putting two fingers in her mouth, still touching her thigh with your other hand. She moaned lightly, and you got the memo. You went down on your knees, and traced your tongue along the inside of Midari's thigh. You could hear some whimpers as you pulled down her underwear. You tasted her.

"Finally" you thought to yourself, eager for more. Midari was breathing heavily, slipping a curse or two every few seconds. You kept going, lapping up all of her. She grabbed the back of your head, pushing you slightly. You lifted your right arm to push her hips back on the wall to stop her shaking, and moved your left to enter her. She moaned loudly as you went knuckle deep. Hearing Midari got you so excited, her calling your name and holding onto you in the way she was.
She pulled onto your hair intensely as she came, she moaned almost to the point of screaming. You looked up at her as she released herself onto you. As you licked her clean, Midari kept her hands tangled in your hair. She lifted you up and kissed you deeply.

"Holy shit Y/N" she said, almost completely out of breath "we are doing THAT again."

You chuckled and kissed her again. The school bell echoed through the bathroom as the two of you fought over dominance with your tongues. You groaned and pulled away.

"Class time." You said, a faint frown on Midari's face. "What do you have next?"

She smiled

"Math, the only class I actually like. But if you want...we can just stay here..." she said, hooking her finger into the waistband of your skirt.

You put your finger to her lips

"Miri, we have to at least give some effort, I've only been in class for like 15 minutes today."

"Wait you bothered to show up?"

You laughed loudly and grabbed Midari's hand.

"Come on."

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