Chapter 3: Knock🍋

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🍋ayo smut time🍋

You made your way into Midari's apartment, carefully balancing a sandwich, a banana loaf, and two coffees. You quietly walked into Midari's room, hoping to surprise her.

"I'm back!" You called out as you opened her door. You stood there silent, stunned.

Midari turned to you completely naked.

"You could've at least knocked, Y/N." Midari said, she didn't seem bothered by you seeing her like this, if anything she seemed excited.

"OH MY GOD MIDARI IM SO SORRY I-ILL GO ILL SEE YOU AT SCHOOL OR-" Midari interrupted you by walking over and grabbing the food, placing it on her dresser.

"Calm down, it's fine." Midari said, gripping your hands to steady them.

Something came over you. Maybe it was Midari's hair neatly brushed and soft? Maybe it was her holding you, or maybe it was because she was fucking naked. You grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her into you, deeply kissing her. She was shocked at first, but then she kissed you passionately back and pushed you up against her door. Taking the hands she was just holding and pushing them by your head. Feeling the pressure of her body, you moaned into Midari's mouth. She seemed to like that, she began ripping you out of your school uniform until you were naked too.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Midari said, practically begging you to say yes.

" said I didn't have to do anything I didn't want to. And I want this."

Midari smiled and leaned into the crook of your neck, whispering in your ear.

"The things I want to do to you..."
She trailed her finger down your neck and began circling around your nipple.

"I want to taste..."
She licked your neck and kissed it hard, leaving a mark.

"I want to touch..."
She moved her hand down from your breast to right above your core, burning with anticipation.

"Every part of you."
She began circling your clit. You moaned in her ear and put your arms around her shoulders. You took a deep breath, smelling Midari's coconut body wash. Midari, unable to contain her excitement, thrust two fingers inside you. You bit your lip, trying to quiet yourself.

"Baby I want to hear everything." She whispered in your ear, speeding up her fingers. You gave her what she wanted. She began sucking on your nipple, giving you double ecstasy. You grabbed onto her hair and lightly pulled on it. She moaned while she tasted your skin.

Unable to control yourself anymore, you grabbed onto Midari's back as you screamed.

"Miri I-I think I'm gonna.." Midari thrust deeper into you, now using her other hand to rub your clit.

"Ah AHH."
You rode your climax out on her fingers, digging your nails into her back, making her moan. She took her fingers out of you and began licking them dry.

"Your turn." You said panting, smirking at Midari.

"Oh no baby, my turn is later. We have to leave." Midari said, giving you light kisses along your neck and chest.

"But but."

"Sorry cutie, you just have to wait to taste me until later." Midari said, pulling you from the wall.


After the two of you were both dressed and ready, you arrived at school two hours late.

(I've written more fan fic than my essay that's due Monday JAJHDNDNS)

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