Chapter 4: Kirari Calling

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(Some teasing in here, not too much)

After arriving late to class, you quickly apologized to your teacher and sat down in the back of your brightly lit classroom. Sketching in your notebook, you barely heard your teacher call your name.

"L/N F/N!" The teacher repeated.
"You are to see the Student Council President immediately."

You froze in your seat.

What does Kirari want?

After a few seconds, you regained your composure and stood up, thanked the teacher and walked out the door.

"Maybe she'll change my punishment." You say quietly as you walk along the echoing halls of the academy.

Yeah...punishment. You remembered this morning. You bit your lip and looked down at your feet as you walked. Distracted by the memory of Midari's body on yours, you ran into someone at full force, knocking you down onto the floor.

"Oh shit!" You heard a familiar voice yell. A hand with purple painted nails reached out to you.

"Be careful where you're going, hot stuff, next time I might have to shoot you." Midari said, pulling you up.

"I'm sorry, I was just distracted." You said, your cheeks still flushed.

She pulled you close to her chest.

"I wonder what could've been such a distraction that you fell for me without even realizing." She said with a cool grin. Your face (if possible) turned an even darker shade of red, looking at Midari, you began to slowly reach over to kiss those lips of hers.

But something else caught your eye, the door to President Momobami's office. You paused, leaving Midari eager to kiss you.

"Oh come on!" She squealed "you can't just lean in then not let me have you, that's cheating." Midari pouted.

"Were you called here too?" You asked Midari, moving your head to point to the door.

"Uh yeah, maybe she wants some sex tips for Sayaka or something. From the sounds you were making this morning, I'm pretty confident that I could help her out." Midari giggled.

You looked at Midari, clearly unamused.

"Come on Miri." She perked up at the nickname "let's just go inside and see what she wants."

Entering the student council room, you saw Kirari sitting in the same spot she was at yesterday. She motioned for both of you to sit. You made your way to her left, Midari to her right, so the two of you faced opposite of each other.

Kirari turned to you.

"I received a report that you spent last night at Ikishima Sans, did she have you complete your first tasks as a house pet?"
You stood there, contemplating whether or not Kirari knew what happened between you two.

"Yes Momobami San." You said, but her eyes were still piercing you, you continued "well after we woke up, I-"

Midari interjected.
"Uh, as you know President Momobami, the beautification committee is meant to clean up the trash in this school, I was just teaching Y/N what it is she'll be doing for me, and what I'll do to-for her." Midari said, smirking sideways and leaning far back in her chair, her legs (for once) off the table.
But then you felt them. Midari's foot ran up your leg making it's way between your thighs, causing you to take a sharp breath.

Kirari's voice brought you back to the moment.

"Ah I see, that is all, you both may leave."

Midari stood up, shot a wave to Kirari, then walked out of the room, not even making a sideways glance at you. Baffled, you quickly bowed and followed Midari out.

When the door was closed, Midari finally faced you. She looked angry, and hungry, and...

"You just had to keep talking, didn't you?"

"What?" You stood there, scared.

Midari's frown became a twisted and captivating smile.

"Momobami probably knows about us now. But hey, I'm not mad. As long as she knows your mine." Midari whispered the last few words into your ear as she grabbed your hips, bringing them closer to hers.

"Come on." She said, grabbing onto the waistband of your skirt, pulling you in her direction as she began walking down the hall.

"Not again with people grabbing my fucking skirt." You thought, but at least it was Midari doing the grabbing and not that tiny devil kid.

Midari finally let go of you as you got to the entrance of the...bathroom?

"Why are we here? Do you need to pee or-"

You were cut off by Midari pulling you into the room.

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