Chapter 11: Together Again🍋

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Smut time! 🍋 (Tw: Gun play, Knife play, some restraints)

After the last school bell rang, you jolted out of your seat and left the classroom in a hurry. Almost sprinting, you made it to the parking lot. You were looking around, trying to find Midari. Two hands wrapped around your waist, and you felt a breath on your neck.

"Hey kitten." Midari purred, kissing your neck and nibbling on your ear. You turned around to kiss her. Some students were giving weird looks, but it only made her want you more.

"Come on, I don't want to wait for you anymore." Midari said as she grabbed onto your hand, very confident. The two of you walked over to a black motorcycle, Midari's ride.

"Have you ridden before?" Midari asked, seeing your wide eyes.

"Kind of? Well I've seen motorcycles on Tv." Midari laughed and helped you onto the back.

"Just hold my waist and you'll be fine." She said, revving the engine.

"Do you have a spare helmet?"

"I don't even have one helmet."


"Ooh I liked that, call me babe again."

"Midari now's not the time."

"I can't wait until 'the time.' Ooh! Maybe on the motorcycle you can-"

"Just drive."

Midari, following your command, drove out of the parking lot. You, tightly holding onto her waist. Midari parked terribly and basically dragged you up to her apartment.

"Midari Midari, cool down okay?" She was ripping your clothes off you, and kissing your neck intensely.

"Sorry sorry." She pried herself off of you. You noticed a moment of weakness in her and took the opportunity.

"Lay down on the bed." Midari looked at you, eye filled with hunger. She did as you said. You slowly crawled on top of her and began kissing her. She raised her hands to touch your face, but you pushed them down. She lightly moaned. You put your knee between her legs and gave some light pressure to her core.

"Y/N..." Midari said, panting.

"Use your words, babe. What do you want me to do to you?" You went down to kiss her, but pulled away just as she leaned in. She took in a harsh breath.

"The-the bottom right drawer." Midari whispered. You suddenly got off of her, making her gasp. You went over to the drawer, and pulled out a large strap on, a smooth knife with a black handle, and a long red silk ribbon.

"Take off your uniform, I'll be right back." Midari began to frantically undress. You went to the living room and opened up Midari's school bag. Inside was her Colt King Cobra. You checked to make sure there were no bullets, then you walked back to Midari's room. Midari welcomed you back into the room. She had taken the liberty of spreading out all of the items in the drawer, she had also taken the liberty of spreading her legs. Her underwear being the only thing between you.

"Not yet." You said, waving the gun around, Midari following it with her eye. You climbed back on the bed, and began to slowly undress yourself. Teasing Midari with every shirt button. When you both were only in your underwear, you kissed her again. While the two of you were making out, you took the ribbon and tied Midari's wrists together, pushing them over her head. Then you slipped your hand into her underwear and began pleasuring her, using your other hand to drag the knife lightly across her body. Midari began to squirm, her body reacting to the cold blade and your warm hand perfectly. You put away the knife and took your hand from her underwear, she let out a muffled moan. You moved over to grab the strap on. Once it was secure, you kissed Midari all the way down her body, she moved a little under your touch. You pulled back her underwear with your teeth, and licked her, before teasing her with the strap.

"Are you ready?" Midari shook her head and pulled at the ribbon, you untied it. She flipped you over so she was on top.

"Now I am." Midari whispered into your ear, then she moaned loudly as you plunged deep into her. You kept going harder and faster until she shook on top of you, releasing herself. Once you pulled out, she grabbed your hair and pulled you up to kiss her.

"Your turn." She said, grabbing the gun and raising your chin with it. She took the strap from you and put it on herself. She kissed and licked down your entire body, still pointing the gun to your face. You felt her tongue piercing against your skin.

"Midari please..." you whimpered, eager to let her have you. She immediately pushed the strap all the way into you. You screamed. Midari took it all in. She pushed the gun into your hands, and you knew exactly what to do. When you put the gun to her head, she went crazy, pushing faster and deeper into you each time. When you were about to cum, you pulled the trigger without warning, making Midari go crazy. You both finished together.

"Wow." Midari said, out of breath.

"Want to go take a shower?" You were panting.

"Wow." Midari said again, stunned.

"Come on" you tried lifting her out of the bed, but your legs trembled so hard you had to sit back down. Then Midari tried moving, but couldn't. The two of you just stayed there for a while, holding each other. Until one of you was able to stand.

You both couldn't until the next morning.

(Okay that was suppppper smutty, Jesus)

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