Chapter 6: "You're Like Me"

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(Sorry it's not smut-ty, but I wanted to try out some romantic stuff! Hope you guys like it!)

After a grueling day of mindless work and note taking, you sluggishly walked home (you lived just down the street from the academy, so it wasn't that difficult.) Entering your studio apartment, you dropped your bags down on the floor and collapsed onto your bed.


Loud knocking woke you up. It must've been late because the room was almost pitch black. You buried your face in your pillow, hoping the person would just go away. But they didn't. The knocking got louder and more aggressive the more you ignored it.

"Coming coming!" You finally yelled, slowly opening the door, letting the light from the hallway leak into your studio.

"Y/N..." Midari stood there, looking down at her feet.

"Midari? What's wrong?" She seemed nervous, eager, you couldn't completely read her.

"Y/N..." she now whispered. She finally looked up at you. She continued.
"I don't know how you feel about me..."

"What?" You thought to yourself. Midari always seemed like she didn't care about anyone else. Even since you've become her pet, all she's done was hook up with you. But then again...

She comforted you, she held you...

"I think you're like me."

She told you that the day you became hers.

Midari stood there in your doorway, looking down again, afraid to make eye contact.

"Come inside, Miri." You held out your hand, and she took it, her hands shaking a little. You walked her to your bed. She sat down and you cuddled in next to her, wrapping her in a blanket.

"So..." Midari said, her nervousness very clear in her voice.

"What do you want to know?"

"I want to know how you feel about me."

"That's pretty clear," you said chuckling, which relaxed Midari a little. "But what exactly do you mean?"

Midari froze, you held onto her tighter.

"Well...I guess I was just wondering if you think I'm crazy, or if you ever judge me, or if you think about me when you wake up or fall asleep or look at the sky sometimes. Or if you're mad at me for..."


Midari looked at you, tears beginning to well in her shining eye.

"For making you mine, in the way I did. I was trying to help, but I just feel like-"

You wrapped your arms around her, easing her shaking body. She softened in your embrace, and lightly chuckled.

"I think you're like me..." you said, Midari stared at you with a wide eye.


You laughed at Midari's dumbfounded look.

"I always saw you walking along the hallways, but you seemed like you were a ghost. Maybe a scary one sometimes, and you would lash out. But I still saw you as a drifting shadow. You never seemed to have anything that made you truly happy. I felt like I was that way too. I didn't want to gamble with you because I was bored and I felt like doing something stupid."

Midari looked at you, shocked by what you were saying.

"I challenged you because I thought it was a chance for me to see you as a human. As something more than empty threats. And that's exactly what I found, even if I lost the bet... Miri you saved me. And I want to do the same for you."

Midari sat there, a steady stream of tears flowing down her cheek. She placed her hand on your face.

"You already have."

She pulled you into her, and kissed you. Light at first, then you both melted into it. You didn't pull away. You never wanted to. You both ran your hands along the other's body, and loved one another until the sunrise came.

-a little next morning conversation:

"Wait, Miri... how did you even get my address."
"I'm in the student council?"
"If you're in the student council, duh."
"I may or may not be aware of the fact that you once got detention for mooning your teacher."
"Oh my god..."

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