Chapter 9: "You're An Idiot"

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(Angst, fluff, etc!)

You began sprinting down the halls, your school shoes making a loud clap as you took each step.

"Wait!" You could hear Midari call, she was still far behind you. You sprinted off the school grounds and ran to your apartment.

"Midari can't see me cry...Midari can't see me cry." You turned and locked your door, finally safe in your studio. You laid down on the couch, exhausted. You wiped away your remaining tears and stared at the ceiling.

*Knock knock knock*

You guessed Midari had caught up with you. You fixed your wild hair and straightened out your skirt as you made your way to the door. After regaining your composure, you opened it.

"Y/N- Uh...mittens." Midari said, correcting herself. "Why did you run away?"

"Ikishima San, why did you chase me?" You said, crossing your arms, not a trace of a smile on your face. Midari was panting wildly, her cheeks stained by tears.

"I saw you crying." She said, you held your breath.

"Really? I believe you were the one crying between the two of us." You said, now slightly mocking her.

Midari pushed her way past you, and walked into your studio.

"What the hell?" You said.

"I'm finally getting you to talk to me."

You went silent. Midari noticed and smiled.


You looked at Midari, her smile bright. She was obviously happy about Yumeko, it hurt you.

"What about her?"

"You think I'm in love with her, don't you? You think I want her."

Your breath hitched.

"Well I-"

"You're wrong." Midari said, quickly running up to you and wrapping her arms around you. You gave in for a millisecond, happy to be in her embrace, then you pushed her away.

"You gave in for a second." Midari said, smiling again.

"No I didn't I-"

"I love you." Midari said, her smile now gone, and her eye shining at you.

You took a step back. Midari took one too, giving you space.

"I didn't mean for it to happen, but I do. I really do. Whatever Kirari told you is wrong. My 'obsession' with Yumeko was just because of her gambling ability, how willing she was to risk everything. But now I'm risking everything by telling you this. I have a reputation to uphold, after all."

You stared at her. Unable to speak.


"Yes?" Midari took a step forward, eager to hear what you were going to say.

"I-I think you're an idiot."

"What?" Midari's eye widened.

"You didn't let me finish, Miri." Just by hearing the nickname, Midari already knew she won you over. "You're an idiot. You didn't have to keep it a secret from me. I didn't like finding out from the President."

Midari looked at her feet, obviously ashamed.

"But." She looked back up at you, you took two steps closer, inches away from Midari. She wrapped her hands around your waist, and you put your arms around her shoulders. "As long as you promise not to keep secrets again, I think I can forgive you."

Midari looked at you, pulling you closer.

"I love you. I think I have since the first time I saw you." You said, as you lightly twirled Midari's hair around your finger.

"I love you too." Midari said, a single tear ran down her face. "Now, there's something I've been dying to do for a million years."

"It's been a week, Miri."  You giggled.

"Shhh same thing." She said, leaning in and placing her lips on yours. You leaned into her, finally letting go of all your worries. She wanted you.

"Of course she did." You thought, giggling.

"What?" Midari pulled away, hearing your laughter.

"Nothing...I love you, that's all." Midari smiled and you kissed her again.

The two of you let go and hugged one another.

"Y/N?" Midari said.


"Can we go eat? All that running made me really hungry." She put her hand on the back of her neck. You laughed out loud.

"Of course, what were you thinking?"


The two of you sat there for around three hours, trying to decide what to eat. You both ended up eating instant ramen and watched a movie, falling asleep in each other's arms.

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