Chapter 12: The Cafeteria

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(I didn't have the motivation to do a full cover piece, you you guys get a sketch, sorry!)
(+ this is just a lead up chapter, smut later haha )

You and Midari were walking along the halls of the academy. Class had just ended, and students began flooding out of the classrooms, eager to go off campus for lunch.

"Hey Y/N! Want to go get food?"
"Sure, any special reason?"
"Nope! I just want to be with my girlfriend."

Girlfriend? You and Midari had never called each other that before. Was she your girlfriend?

"Also..." she leaned over and whispered in your ear. "As a thank you for last night." You blushed wildly and looked down at your feet.

"Can we just go to the cafeteria?" You asked. If Midari was going to thank you, she'd have to wait until later.

"Humph," Midari crossed her arms and hunched her back a little, obviously annoyed.

"You're hunching your back."

"Huh? Who cares."

"Whatever, I'll just make you arch it tonight anyways." You smiled at her, proud of yourself for being so smooth.

"Heh," Midari softly put her hand around your neck "I'll be looking forward to it."

"I-I uh-" you mumbled, red filling up your cheeks.

"Oh now you lost your cool? No fun. Well we're here anyway." Midari let go of your neck and held open the door for you. You entered the cafeteria, eyeing all the students surrounding you, losing thousands of yen in small games of poker.

"Come on! Sit with me!" Midari grabbed your wrist and pulled you into a booth in the corner of the room. Midari moved beside you, her hand slowly sneaking it's way up your skirt.

"Are you out of your mind?" You inch away, slightly pushing her.

"Always." She leans in to kiss you, but you swerve away just in time.

"Miri, we're in the cafeteria, students are all around, can you chill?" Her eye widens with a terrifying gleam.

"Uh oh." Midari coos.

"Uh oh what?"

"You used my nickname, kitten. You know I get going right when you call me that." She smirks, grabbing your waist and pulling you into her lap. You yelp, many students look around, but turn away once they see Midari.

"Now now, you don't need to worry. Nobody cares. And if they do, they can meet my friend." Midari pulled you in, whispering in your ear. You looked down, eyeing Midari's gun peeking out of her bag. You looked around the room and realized everyone was either avoiding eye contact, or was too enveloped in their bets to care.

"Interesting..." you thought to yourself. You relaxed into Midari, settling your hand on her thigh, making her breath stand still.

"What?" You jerked back, worried that you did something wrong. Midari stayed there, looking into your eyes.

"I didn't expect you to loosen up, it's just-" her face went red "I thought you would be embarrassed."

"No shit, of course I am." Midari looked at you confused "but I want to taste you so badly, being embarrassed is the least of my worries."

"That's it." Midari got up from the booth, lifting you up with her (bridal style.) She quickly walks out of the cafeteria, and brings you down the halls, all the way to the beautification room.

"I think I know where this is going..." you thought, biting your lip. Midari still keeping a firm grasp on you.

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