Chapter 14: Beautification🍋

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Smut time! (Tw: degradation, scratching, etc.)

"I know I'm not a gun, but you're welcome to use me to get off." You smirked. Midari was on top of you on the beautification room floor, her skirt the only thing left on her body, while you were completely naked.

"Shut the fuck up." Midari put her right hand over your mouth. You gave a muffled moan as she placed her knee at your core, moving slightly. She took her hand off your mouth and trailed it to your chest, grabbing you. You leaned up to kiss her, harshly biting her bottom lip. She smirked mid-kiss and pinned your hands to the sides of your head, intertwining your fingers with hers.

"Please Miri...more." You pant. She smiles again. She then moves your wrists together above your head, and holds them both down with her right hand. She then moves her knee, replacing it with her left hand and reaching under your skirt, drawing light circles on your clit.

"You're my pretty little slut." You groan at Midari's words. She kisses and licks along your neck, giving you dark hickeys.

"Wait, don't do that, people are go-" Midari kissed you.

"I said shut up kitten, you teased me too much and now you're going to be punished." Midari said, suddenly shoving two fingers inside you. With each stroke, you moaned louder, making her more excited. She let of your wrists and moved down to lick you, still moving her fingers wildly. You placed you hands on her back, lightly clawing her.

"Miri I'm gunna-"

"Come on, scream my name." Midari purred. You did as she said, shaking under her. You dug your nails into her back, feeling a little pool of blood forming under your fingertips, making Midari shake. She licked you clean and helped you put your clothes back on. As she went to put her shirt on, you grabbed her hands, kissing them.

"Wow Midari that was-"

"I'm sorry."

"What?" You looked up at Midari. She had her head dropped low, avoiding eye contact with you.

"I shouldn't have been that rough with you, I'm sorry Y/N." She said, very quiet.

You held onto her hands, pulling her into a hug. She gripped your waist.

"Hey, I made you bleed. Wanna call it even?" You said, chuckling.

"Heh, fair point. I really liked that though."

"I liked it too." Midari jolted at your words.

"So...round two?"


"You said the nickname, Y/N."

"Shit." You said as Midari pushed you back onto the floor, you lacing your fingers through her hair.

"I guess I'll miss class again..." you thought to yourself.

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