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Btw, the italics mean they're talking to themselves

As I was sitting in class in my school I hear the loudspeaker turn on.
"Y/N from class 3-A, please come down to principals office." It turns off.
"Ooooohh," I hear some people whisper.
"Quiet. Y/N, you may go. Take all your stuff just incase." My teacher exclaims.
I lift up my backpack from the ground and get up from my chair, pushing it in.
I feel the pairs of everyones eyes watching me as I head out the class.
What'd I even do? I ask myself.
Let's just hope nothing bad happens.

I enter the principal's office, they're waiting at their desk.
"Take a seat miss L/N." They say.
I do, setting my bag down beside me.
"I'm sorry to say this, but you're getting kicked out the school."
I feel my heart drop. "What?" I ask sharply.
"That's right. You see, your mom can't afford to keep you in this school. You know, you have to pay-"
"What do you mean she can't afford to? I know she has the money." I interrupt.
"She says she's struggling keeping up with the payments to keep you here."
I look away.
I know she has the money. But there's no fucking point in arguing.
"Your mother's waiting for you in the front of the school now. You're dismissed miss L/N. It was good knowing you."
I get up and get out, not saying anything or looking back. I walk through the hallways, finding the front doors and get out. Not looking back. I see my mom's car and get in there. As we go home, none of us say anything.

We arrive home and I go to my room, frustrated. When I open the door I find something I've never seen before, but the patterns and colors seemed so familiar. A uniform laying on my bed.
"That's yours." I hear my mom say behind me which startles me.
"You're going to your brother's school starting tomorrow."

Authors Note:
Hopefully you enjoyed the first chapter of my first fanfic! Thanks for reading ❤️

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