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As everyone gets out from afternoon practice, Kunimi catches up to me.
"Hey, so I bumped into that girl, Akaha, and she wants to meet up with us in the library." He exclaims.
"Wait, right now?" I ask.
"No, no, some other day. Anyways, I think we should skip practice tomorrow and go plan our stuff for the project."
"Sure, why not. Where are we gonna be planning though?"
He paused, looking up at the sky.
"My house maybe." He grins.
I nodded "Okay then."
We turn away from each other and I start walking home with Kindaichi.

    Hey, Y/N. Are you still awake?
read at 8:06
                                                      Yeah, why?

Come outside, I have something for you. I forgot to give it to u.

I get up out of bed and go downstairs heading to the door. I open it to find Kunimi. He pulls me outside gently.
"Here." He has his hand out with my pencil.
"Oh, you can keep it if you want." I laugh.
"Heres this too." He hands me some chocolate. My favorite chocolate.
"Thanks! This is my favorite, how'd you know?" I asked.
"Oh, sometimes I see you with these chocolates, so i assumed these are your favorite." He smiles.
"Well thank you again. Is there anything else?"
"Not really. I guess I'll go home now. Goodnight, Y/N." He waves and smiles while walking off.
"Bye see you at school tomorrow!" I wave back at him.

Jealousy // Kunimi x Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now