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By Monday, the news about me and Kunimis relationship got by fast. When we entered the school, some people said "Congratulations!" while others just looked irritated. Then, Akaha came up to me and Kunimi in the hallway.
"I promise you he doesnt want you." She exclaimed.
"If he didn't, then he wouldn't have dumped you for me." I snapped back.
"He felt bad for you, just look." Akaha says turning her phone to me.
Kunimi 🥰❤️❤️
You know, I actually dont
like Y/N. Im only with her
bc i feel bad for her :/
Yeah. So when I break up
with her, I'll get back with you.
Omg I love u!!❤️
Love u too 🤞🏻❤️
I turn to Kunimi, hes reading the text.
"Why did you do that." I cut him off. "We barely got together. You told me you were happy to be with me!"
"Y/N that-"
"I don't wanna see you ever again." I said letting the tears fall.
"Y/N! PLEASE!" Kunimi said loudly.
I speed walked away from those two. I didn't want to see them, I didn't want to see anyone. I just wanted to be alone. The only place was the nurses office.

"Yeah, my allergies are kicking in, making my eyes watery and making me sneeze alot."
"Alright, you can rest but if you dont feel any better by lunch, you can go home."
I nodded and laid down on a bed, thinking about what just happened.
I never thought he would do that. He even said he was happy to be with me. I thought that proved enough.

Lunchtime came. I went to go get some food from the cafeteria, and I heard my name from a certain someones mouth.
"Y/N really thinks she can pull anyone. Even from other schools! Can you believe that??"
I walked up to Akaha, ready to beat the shit out of her.
"You know what I can pull, Akaha? That fucking grin off your mouth."
Akaha turns around, scared shitless.
"Y-you can try but you wont-"
I'm breathing hard. I just slapped the shit out of Akaha!
"Say I won't do it again."
Akaha whimpers and turns her face to me again. Her cheek is bright red and she looks like shes about to cry. She gets up and looks straight into my eyes.
"He slept with me, you know."
Then she runs out of the cafeteria, crying her eyes out.

What the fuck?

Jealousy // Kunimi x Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now