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I felt his soft lips on mine. I didn't know what to do, but I kissed him back anyways. Then we parted.
"Tendo...a-are you fucking serious???"
"Y/N I thought that would comfort y-"
"Do you even care about my own feelings?? Did you even know what i would think when you did that?" I started crying again.
"N-no.." he wiped off a tear from my cheek.
"You know I only want Kunimi. So why did you do that??"
"Because, I want you."
I looked at him, his expression looked like he was being serious.
"You know," he started, "I'm teaming up with Akaha, just to get what we both want."
I was speechless, I got up so quick. Was he the one behind the text message? Why would he do that to his own friend???
"I hate you. Get the fuck out." I said, my hands trembling.
"I can explain the whole situation-"
"GET THE FUCK OUT TENDO! I DONT WANT TO HEAR YOU!" I cried falling to my knees.
He walked away, opening the door and slamming it behind him.
My breathing was uneasy, my hands were trembling so bad. There was a sharp pain in my heart. What am I supposed to do now? Where's Kunimi...I need to tell him..
My vision went blurry, then it went black.

"Y/N? Hey, Y/N are you okay??? Please get up.."
I looked up and found Kindaichi and Kunimi both kneeling down beside me.
"I-I'm okay.." I looked around and assumed I fainted on the floor.
"What happened? Are you feeling okay??" Kunimi asked taking my hand in his.
"Yeah.. I think I had a panic attack.."
Kunimi got up and went to the kitchen, coming back with some water.
"Here." He said handing it to me.
I took it and sipped some.
"How'd this happen?" Kindaichi asked.
"Tendo came over here because he heard that I wasn't feeling good. I told him about what happened today, and all of a sudden he kissed me. I told him I didn't want that, and he said he and Akaha were teaming up to get what the both wanted. I just felt so betrayed, and I just cried and fainted I guess.."
"So he was behind all of this?" Kunimi asked.
"Yeah." I reply.
"I came here to tell you none of this was my fault, and now you have your proof that none of this was because of me."
I nodded.
Kunimi kisses my cheek and hugs me. "I love you Y/N, please don't believe Akaha anymore. She's just jealous."
I hug him back and smile.

"I love you too, and I'll ignore her from now on."

Jealousy // Kunimi x Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now