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By the next day, we had to present our plans. Kunimi and Akaha didn't even go to school, so I presented everything myself. At this point, I felt like no one was on my side. No one besides Kindaichi. I felt like saying sorry to Kunimi, but at the same time I knew none of this was really my fault. I felt miserable by now. Why am I filled with bad luck?

I went to practice, and I did my normal things. Kunimi came to practice and Akaha tagged along with him. She'd follow him like a dog like the bitch she is. I glance over at Akaha and see her admiring everything Kunimi does. I wish she wasn't our partner. I wish she didn't come here. I wish she wasn't in our class. I wish she-
"Y/N? What's the matter?" I hear the coach say beside me.
"Oh, it's nothing." I look away from Akaha.
"Alright then." He says with a soft smile.
Break time comes around and Oikawa approaches me.
"Why do you seem irritated?" He asks.
I look at him and shrug, "It's nothing."
"Is it because of her?" He says pointing over to Akaha who is all over Kunimi.
I look away in jealousy and Oikawa sees it written all over my face.
"You're jealous? Because of her? She's ugly though and you're so pretty!"
I blush in embarrassment, not because I'm jealous but because some of the people heard the last part.
Iwaizumi, Matsukawa, and Kindaichi all come over in concern.
"What are you guys talking about?" Iwa asks.
"Akaha! She's not so cute as Y/N right??" Oikawa says, not too loudly.
Kindaichi nods in agreement, and so do the other two guys.
I blush, "Cmon guys, I-I'm not even that pretty!"
Then all of a sudden they burst in a choir of encouragement.
"Yes you are!" "You're like the prettiest girl in school!" "Kunimi doesn't know what he's missing."
I cover my face and feel my face get hot.
I feel 4 pairs of arms wrap around me.
"I'm so lucky to have friends like you guys." I mumble.
"What was that, Y/N?" Matsukawa asks.
"I-I'm lucky to have friends like you guys." I say a bit louder this time so they would hear me.
I feel their hugs get tighter and I smile, holding back tears if joy.
——-Kunimi's POV———
"Kunimi!! You did such a great job out there!" Akaha exclaims.
"Thanks." I say with a small smile.
"Hey, wanna go on a little date after this?
Her words didn't catch my attention, but what did was the group surrounding Y/N.
She seems embarrassed about something. I can't hear what they're all saying, just a bit of mumbling.
"Kunimi?" Akaha asks in concern, "what's wrong?" She turns to what I'm looking at.
"She's nothing to you anymore, right?"
I turn my head quickly to Akaha.
"Oh- yeah.." I stutter.
Y/N still means something to me, I just dont know how to get over her.

Jealousy // Kunimi x Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now