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Kunimi didn't hesitate.
He put his hand behind my neck and made our lips collide with eachother.
I didn't know what to do, so I just closed my eyes.Then our lips parted.
"Is that all the proof you need?" He asked.
I nodded, feeling dumb now, but also relieved.
And here I thought that he liked Akaha. Turns out he's liked me all this time.
"But.." he starts, "I don't know if I'm ready for a relationship." He looks up and me looking a bit sorry for me.
"It's okay, just tell me whenever you're ready." I give a sad smile.
He puts his hand on my cheek. "Are you sure?"
The butterflies inside my stomach..
I don't think they'll go away as of now.
Kunimi then gets up. "Okay, well I'll go back to Kindaichi. I don't want him thinking I'm doing anything suspicious." He laughs.
"Okay, have fun." I smile waving him goodbye.
Right as he shuts the door and I hear his steps go down the stars, I grab my pillow and scream into it. "HE'S SO- UGHHHHHHH!" I look up to my mirror thats hanging on the wall and see myself bright red.
Well sheesh, I think I'm stuck to this guy.

The next day in school, I didn't skip morning practice. The coach didn't give the team a pep talk, they didn't need one.
School went on as usual, and then the practice game came around.
As I entered the gym, I saw 2 familiar people. Tendo and Ushijima.
They look up at me and I see Tendos eyes immediately glisten.
"Y/N!!!" He yells, happily running towards me and picking me up.
"Hi Tendo!" I smile while hugging him.
"Where's Ushi?" I look around and spot him. I wave for him to come over and he does. We have a little talk before the game starts.
——Kunimi's POV——
When Y/N opened the gym doors, I was going to go tell her something, but then some guy from Shiratorizawa got to her first before I could. She looked so happy to see him, and he was happy to see her.
Maybe that's her boyfriend that she never told me about. I bite my lip and try not to look somewhat sad. Then I look over to Akaha who's sitting on a chair beside the coach. She's motioning for me to come over to her, so I jog over there.
"What's up?"
"Is that Y/N's boyfriend?" Akaha asks.
"I'm not sure..I'll ask her some other time."
Akaha nods and says I can go back to Kindaichi.
Maybe I'm too late.

Jealousy // Kunimi x Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now