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-This chapter is a bit longer than the other ones-

"Goodmorning, Y/N!" Kunimi says as I get to the gym.
"Good morning Kunimi, get ready for practice."
I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn around.
"I've never seen Kunimi act like that much." Kindaichi says.
"Really? I mean, at first he seemed like he didn't wanna be friends with me."
"He's mostly quiet and we barely see him smile like that."
I stay silent, not knowing what to say.
"Ah- anyways, I'll do my best."
He goes off to practice, waving bye to me.
So, Kunimi changed? Is it because of me?
"Y/N, can you get the uniforms out the dryers please." The coach asks.
"I'll go get them right now." I walk off.
Does Kunimi like me? Wait but it's too early to assume something like that. But at the same time, it seems like he changed his mood now that I'm here.
I brush it off as just a kind act. But is it really just an act??
I get the uniforms, fold it, and set it some place.
I do the rest of my tasks as usual.
Sometimes I catch Kunimi glancing at me while he's practicing with Kindaichi. I don't think it really matters though.
As practice is about to come to an end, the coach has something to say.
"Gather up boys, I have something to say."
All the boys stand in-front of the coach in a cluster.
"Alright, I've scheduled a practice game with Shiratorizawa for this Thursday. Make sure all of the practice that you get here is played in the practice game, understand?"
"Yes sir!" They all reply.
We all get our stuff ready to go to our first class. Oikawa tries flirting with me on our way to class.

Lunch rolls around, you sit and eat lunch with Kunimi and Kindaichi as usual.
"Hey Y/N, have you made any friends? Like friends that are girls?" Kindaichi asks.
"No, honestly the girls here give me mean looks."
"Do they look like they're mad at you or something?"
"No, more like they're jealous of me. What do they have to be jealous of?" I laugh.
"Because you're pretty." Kunimi mumbles.
"What was that, Kunimi?" I ask.
"Oh-uh I said probably because you're new.." He blushes.
"Yeah, that's probably why." Kindaichi agrees.
"Or maybe it's Oikawa's fans that are jealous." I laugh.
Kunimi and Kindaichi laugh along with me.

I look through my pencil bag trying to find my pencil.
Ah, I probably left my pencil at a different class. I think to myself.
I tap Kunimi's shoulder and he turns around, but jumps at my sudden touch.
"I'm sorry, did I scare you?" I whisper.
"N-no you're fine, what's up?"
"Do you have an extra pencil I can use?"
"I think so, let me check."
He rustles through his pencil bag and pulls out a pencil and hands it to me.
"Here, y-you can keep it if you want."
"Thanks Kunimi, I appreciate it." I smile making him blush slightly.
"Everyone, we're going to do a project to see what you know about this unit of space. I'll give you all partners to work with, and some groups might have 3 people just incase we have an uneven number.
The teacher reads on from the list...
"Kunimi and Y/N. Alright, does anyone not have a partner?"
A girl stands up. "Me."
"You can work with Kunimi and Y/N, now I want everyone to meet with their partners right now and discuss your plans."
As everyone in the class starts moving around, the girl comes toward me an Kunimi. Kunimi now moved to the empty desk next to me. The girl sits down.
"Hi." She says.
"Uh, so what are we gonna do for the project?" Kunimi asks.
"I think we should make a biggg solar system. Or small i dont know." I exclaim.
"Maybe we all should just meet up somewhere after school, at a cafe or something." The girl buts in.
"Oh, me and Kunimi have things to do afterschool. Maybe some other day when we're free." I say.
We pick up our belongings just as the bell rings. I could see the girl getting mad.
"Fine." She says angrily.
As me and Kunimi get out of the class we turn to eachother.
"I dont know if its good to work with her". I say
"I mean, we dont even know her, why not give her a chance?" He says.
I frown slightly.
"Okay, I guess. I'll see you later." I turn away. That girl..she seems off.

Jealousy // Kunimi x Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now