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——-Akahas POV——-
"The plan worked! My face hurts though." I claimed.
"We're working together as a team, just to get what we both want."
I nodded, "You'll have her soon, and I can finally get Kunimi."
—End of POV—
I wanna kill her so bad.
"Hey nurse?"
I want her to go away forever.
"I'm not feeling any better."
I want her to die.
"I'm going home, okay? Thanks."

As I'm walking home, I see someone on my porch. Someone familiar.
"Hey, Y/N? Are you okay?" Tendo waves.
"Oh, Tendo..why are you here?"
"I heard you were feeling bad. I wanted to check up on you."
I looked up at him.
"How did you know?"
"I went to your school earlier before school started and asked the coach if you were there. He said he hasnt seen you and assumes you were feeling bad."
I nod slowly. "Okay, wanna come in?"
We both enter, locking the door behind us. We sit on the couch next to each other.
"So, whats going on?" Tendo asks.
I look at my hands.
"She's getting in my way. Akaha. You remember her right?"
He nods.
"She's always getting in my way, all I want is Kunimi. She even told me she slept with him! I really want her to die, to be honest. I dont think Kunimi actually likes me anymore."
"Is she doing it just to make you jealous? Or just for her entertainment."
"I don't even know, Tendo." I say laying my head in my hands.
Then, I feel his arms wrap around me.
"You'll be okay. You're the prettiest girl i know, Y/N."
I start to cry not knowing what to do.
Then he takes his arms off of me, lifts up my chin and kisses me.

Jealousy // Kunimi x Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now