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As I'm waiting at the door for Ushijima and Tendo, someone taps my shoulder. I turn my head and see Kunimi with his same disappointed expression.
"Hey, you haven't talked to me much during the game." Kunimi states.
"I'm sorry Kunimi, well we can talk now?"
He looks down at the ground and shifts a bit.
"Do you know those 2 boys from Shiratorizawa?" He asks.
My eyes widden at his question.
Well maybe he is jealous..
"We met yesterday after school. They're my friends." I admit.
"O-Oh. Um..are you doing anything afterschool today?"
"I'm not sure, I'll see about it."
He looks up at me and I could see his eyes starting to water up.
"Kunimi? What's wrong?" I ask putting a hand on his cheek.
He takes me hand off his cheek and holds it while letting a tear stream down his face. "It's nothing." He says with a fake smile.
Oh now I've done it
He kisses my cheek briefly and starts walking off. "I'll see you tomorrow, Y/N."
Not too long after, Akaha starts jogging after him.
After what seemed like forever, I see Ushi and Tendo approaching me. I look away, trying not to show the sadness in my face.
"Y/N! We're back!" I don't reply or look up. "What's wrong? Y/N?? You're making me worried." Tendo says lifting up my chin.
Tendo most certainly looks worried.
"Sorry, I was spacing out." I lie.
"What's up with you spacing out a lot?" Ushijima asks.
"Don't worry about it. I still haven't really decided if I want to hangout today, I am a bit tired."
Tendo and Ushijima look at eachother then turn back to me.
"Well, you can go home if you want we don't want you to be more tired."
I think about it. "Okay then, I guess we can hangout a different day."
"Yeah, we can walk you to your house then!" Tendo suggests.
I nod and we all start walking to my house together.

Jealousy // Kunimi x Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now