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"Let's do something fun to cheer you up Y/N. There's no school tomorrow anyways" Oikawa suggests.
"Sure, why not." I reply.
"We should go to an arcade or something." Kindaichi suggests.
I nod my head in agreement and so does everyone else.
"I'll pay for everything, let's go get our stuff." Oikawa says turning to the locker room with the others.

When they all come back, we all start heading to the arcade, Oikawa leading the way. When we get there, the place is lit up with colorful lights and patterned carpets. There's many games to play, so we don't waste anytime and get our tokens to play.

Time passes by and we end up exhausted so we eat at the restaurant inside the arcade. As we're eating, Oikawa asks something that I knew would come up.
"So, what's up with you and Kunimi?"
I stop eating and look at Oikawa. The others have also stopped eating to hear my response.
"He said he liked me on Wednesday, but he proceeded to date Akaha yesterday. He even said he wasn't ready for a relationship so I don't get it! I think he's just jealous."
"Jealous of who?" Kindaichi asks.
"Wait, that red spiky haired guy we played with yesterday?" Iwa asks.
I nodded.
"It's probably because he thinks of Tendo as my boyfriend or something. I met Tendo on Wednesday, though." I frown slightly.
"Try and talk to him about it." Oikawa suggests.
"I already have." Kindaichi admits.
"Let Y/N do it some other time then."
"Yeah." I agree.
Kindaichi doesn't argue.
We all continue eating and when we're done, we decide to play a few more games before leaving.
One arcade game really caught my eye, it was a basketball shooting game and you can win some prizes. There was a stuffed animal that I really wanted, it was my favorite animal too.
Oikawa see's me looking at it.
"Want me to win that for you, cupcake?"
I smile, feeling my cheeks get a little bit hot. "Yeah, sure!"
Oikawa confidently takes a little basketball and he has 3 tries. Surprisingly, he makes every single shot.
"Is that the one?" He points at the stuffed animal.
I nod, smiling and holding my hands out to get the stuffed animal. Oikawa hands it to me and then hugs me tightly and I hug him back.
"You're awesome, Y/N." He says letting go of the hug.
I smile, "You all are, too!"

As we start to walk out, I hear loud arguing from across the street. A red spiky haired guy, and a middle-parted hair one.
Its like i see them everywhere, jeez.

Jealousy // Kunimi x Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now