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"Does everyone have what they need?"
The red haired guy asks.
I shoot a thumbs up and so does Ushi.
"Hereee we go!!!"
We head down the side walk, and I have no clue where we're going to go.
"So," the red haired guy turns to me, "I'm Tendō Satori, and he's Ushijima. We're from Shiratorizawa."
"Don't you guys have a curfew?" I ask.
"Yep, but we'll get there before the gates close." Tendo claims.
"If you say so."
"Why do you have bread?" Ushijima asks.
"Oh, I wanted to go to the park and feed some ducks that are by the pond."
Tendo turns to me and places his hands on my shoulders, shaking me gently.
"Ohh! We'll get some icecream first and then we can go feed the duckies." He announced.
I smiled, making Tendo have slightly pink cheeks.

"1 chocolate, 1 vanilla and 1 (your favorite ice cream flavor) coming right up." The cashier announced.
As we all take our seats, I get a text message from an Unknown number. I ignore it, only because I don't want my day to get ruined even more. It's probably just spam anyways.
"Y/N." Tendo calls from the other side of the table.
I look up at him.
"Is something up?" He asks looking a bit worried.
"No, it's just that I got a text from an unknown number."
"Did you see what they sent?"
"No, I'll check it later." I said putting my phone in my pocket.
"Alright, well is there anything else you wanna do after feeding the ducks?"
"Hmmm..." I think a bit, "nope, what about you guys?"
The two boys look at eachother and Ushijima shrugs.
"I don't think we have anything to do. We'll just go back to our school after." Ushijima decided.
"Oh I can walk with you guys back to your school if you want?" I asked.
"Sure." Tendo says almost immediately.
As the cashier comes to us with 3 icecream cones in their hands, Tendo reaches inside his pocket and takes out his wallet.
"It's okay I'll pay for it." I state.
"No, I will." Tendo reassures.
I don't complain and just get my icecream from the cashiers hands.
"Enjoy!" They said, walking off.
"We should probably eat this on our way to the park." Ushijima suggests.
"Sure, that way we could have more time to feed the ducks." I agreed.
We all get up and start heading for the door, taking our icecream and belongings with us.

"There's the park." I announce.
The park is filled with cherry blossom trees and people and children. There's a big gazebo in the middle of the park with the pond right next to it.
As we get near the pond, there's already a duck waiting at the edge of the pond waiting for bread.
In the time we were feeding ducks, Tendo was naming all the ducks and trying to lure one in the gazebo, Ushijima was just watching as me and Tendo were interacting with the ducks, and I was feeding the ducks.

After dropping Tendo and Ushijima at their school, we waved bye to eachother.
"Cya tomorrow Y/N!" Tendo called.
"Yeah, cya! Bye guys!" I waved.
It was already 6pm, and the sun was about to set. Finally I decided to see what that text was.
Is this Y/N??
I need to tell you something
read at 6:04

Jealousy // Kunimi x Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now