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As I head to my seat, I notice someone else sitting where I always do. Akaha.
I go up to her, "What are you doing here?" I ask, trying not to come off as annoyed.
"I'm here to support Kunimi and the team." She smiles trying to look innocent.
I turn to the coach, "I'll go get a chair from the storage room."
He nods and I walk to the storage room.
"I bet Kunimi invited her here." I murmur under my breath. I grab a chair and head back and sit next to Akaha, keeping my distance.
The game then beings.

The two teams start to play really well. I can tell Kunimi is a bit off though.
Tendo is blocking almost every spike amazingly. Shiratorizawa takes the first set.
Everyone starts to notice Kunimi acting off, so he gets replaced by Mad dog in the second set. Either Shiratorizawa takes this set and wins, or Aoba Johsai takes the second and 3rd set and win.
——-Kunimis POV———
As I head over to the perimeter of the court, Akaha comes up to me.
"What's wrong Kunimi?" She asks looking worried.
"Oh, nothing. I'm just a bit tired." I say looking at the ground.
She opens her arms and immediately hugs me, and I feel her tighten the hug.
I hug her back for a few seconds, starting to feel much better.
She looks up and me,smiling, and says, "I believe in you, Kunimi."
I smile back at her and say "Thank you."
——End of his POV——
Time passes by, Aoba Johsai takes the 2nd set. The 3rd set will decide who wins.
Kunimi gets back in the 3rd set and now seems much better. Aoba Johsai seems much stronger than they were in the 1st set, but they still proceed to lose the game.
"Y/N!!!" I hear Tendo yell from the other side of the court. He runs up to me and hugs me so tightly.
"Congratulations Tendo," I say with a smile. "Your team played very well."
"OH, I forgot to ask yesterday but can I get your number?"
I look up at the giant with red hair and see him blushing a bit.
I giggle a bit, "Sure gimmie your phone."
He proceeded to give me his phone and I add my number in his contacts.
I didn't notice at first but then I caught Kunimi staring at me from the other side of the court.
I feel like he might be jealous, I mean he did spill out his feelings to me yesterday.
I'm sorry Kunimi.
He's not even interested in starting a relationship right now though.
"Y/N? Y/N???"
I blink back to reality and look at Tendos worried face.
"I'm sorry I spaced out a bit."
Tendo looks at Kunimi. "Is that the guy you like?" He assumes.
"Oh- yeah." I say looking over at Kunimi who's now talking to Akaha. I see the disappointment in his face. I want to go over to him and just tell him sorry, but I can't. Someone else is in the spot im supposed to be in.
"Maybe you me and Wakatoshi-kun should go hangout again today. We're staying in town for the night, anyways." Tendo suggests.
I shrug, "I'll see if we have any time."
"Alrighty then. Well, we need to go change so we're gonna be in the locker room. Wait for me at the gym doors alright?"
I nodded, and Tendo walked off with Ushijima.

Jealousy // Kunimi x Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now