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-This chapter is kinda long-

"That's a nice name, Kunimi."
I repeat his name over and over in my head.
He chuckles.
"I guess so, we'll here's your class."
"Thank you! I really appreciate your help." I smile.
He blushes slightly and looks away.
"N-no problem."
I enter the class and everyone's staring at me.
"Please, take a seat by Oikawa."
I look for Oikawa and make my way over to the empty seat beside him.
As soon as I sit down I hear him whisper, "That's why you should've asked me for help, princess."
I look over at him.
"Well, someone else helped me actually."
I turn my attention to the teacher, not answering his question. It's okay, he'll find out some other time.

After a couple of hours, lunchtime finally comes. I was so hungry and I forgot to bring my lunch.
I found my brother and decided to sit with him. He told me that we'll be sitting under a big tree so I was fine with being under some shade. Turns out he actually took both of our lunch boxes.
When we got to the tree, I see Kunimi already sitting down while eating his lunch.
"Hey Kunimi!" Kindaichi greets.
Kunimi looks up and waves to both of us.
"She's my sister, have you met her yet?"
"Yeah I have."
"She's cool right?"
Kunimi starts blushing and looks away.
"I-I guess." He mutters.
We all sit down in a circle and eat our lunches together. We talk about school and volleyball and life in general until we have to go back inside for our next class.
"Y/N, what's your next class?" Kunimi asks.
I show him my schedule and he flashes a big smile.
"We have the same class together next! There's an empty seat behind me, so hopefully you sit there."
"We'll see."
As we 3 start going to our classes, Kindaichi goes his own way leaving me and Kunimi walking to our class together.
"Is there any particular reason why you wanted to be the manager for our team?" Kunimi asks.
"I just didn't want to walk back home by myself so I decided it'd be better for me to stay at Kindaichi's practice and wait so we could go home together."
He looks at me and smiles softly.
"We could walk home together if you want, I'll always be free after practice."
I blush a bit and smile.
"I think I'll be okay with walking with Kindaichi, but if I do ever need someone you'll be the substitute."
We walk in class and my seat actually does end up being behind Kunimi.

Jealousy // Kunimi x Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now