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I let go of the hug, looking down at my feet. I walk past Kunimi and start heading upstairs to my room.

Why me?
Why did this have to happen to me?
I tried, but I guess it never works out.

Then, a rush of tears comes down my cheeks as I open my bedroom door. I lock the door behind me and sit at the edge of my bed. Thinking.
I just wanted to be yours.
What did I do wrong?
It hits me.
It's her fault. It's Akaha's fault. I never trusted her anyways.
I grab my phone from my nightstand and rapidly go to my messages that I had with Akaha, trying to ignore my shaky hands.

why are u guys together?
read at 5:48
u found out?
well no shit.
we are dating. he told me
about you, but I guess I care
about him more.
read at 5:50

My vision gets more and more blurred while my head aches along with it. I feel my throat burn as I tried to hold back tears, but eventually it all came out.
I can't even be strong enough for myself.
I end up curled up into a ball on my bed waiting to fall asleep.

The next day at school, it seemed like everyone hated me. They'd give me disgusted looks and I'd just look away.
School went by fast, and it's now our last day of planning for the project. Then its the real thing. I didn't walk with anyone to the library. Kunimi and Akaha went on before I got all my things together.

When I entered the library and started heading for our regular table that we sit at, I heard a somewhat muffled scream. I didn't know who it was, but I jogged over to the noise trying not to make noise myself. Then I saw it. Akaha was on top of Kunimis lap holding his face and he was wide eyed. When he saw me from the side of his eye, he immediately closed his eyes and put his arms around her waist. My heart felt like it just sunk. It felt like there was a hole starting to form, slowly getting deeper and deeper. I tried not to show my feelings, and I quietly did all the rest of the work myself. There wasnt a single sign of Kunimi or Akaha in the library after that.

Jealousy // Kunimi x Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now